Michael Kuperberg, scientist removed by Trump in order to cripple America’s ability to deal with climate change. Credit: The New York Times

The White House has removed the head of the program that produces the federal government’s most definitive scientific report on climate change, according to three sources with knowledge of the move.

Michael Kuperberg had worked as executive director of the U.S. Global Change Research Program, which produces the National Climate Assessment. The move comes just days after the White House tapped Betsy Weatherhead to lead the sweeping climate study. Weatherhead joined the U.S. Geological Survey after working at climate analytics firm Jupiter Intelligence.

POLITICO received an automatic reply from Kuperberg’s USGCRP email address that indicated his detail there ended Nov. 6 and that he was heading back to the Energy Department.

Context: Kuperberg’s reassignment is the latest in a string of high-level personnel moves to remove officials deemed insufficiently loyal to President Donald Trump after his reelection loss. Earlier on Monday, Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper. On Friday, Neil Chatterjee was removed as FERC chair on Friday after advocating for opening up […]

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