Trump and his legal orc Bill Barr Credit: AFP

Among the slew of potentially destructive policy changes the Trump administration is rushing to implement on its way out of power is a rule that would authorize the return of electrocutions and firing squads for federal executions, an effort critics slammed as a twisted priority amid deadly public health and economic crises.

ProPublica reported Wednesday that the rule, first published in the Federal Register by the U.S. Justice Department in August, “has raced through the process with little notice but unusual speed—and deadly consequences.”

“This rule could reintroduce firing squads and electrocutions for federal executions, giving the government more options for administering capital punishment as drugs used in lethal injections become unavailable,” ProPublica noted. “The Justice Department surfaced the proposal in August and accepted public comments for only 30 days, instead of the usual 60. The rule cleared White House review on Nov. 6, meaning it could be finalized any day.”TAKE THE POLL: Will you take a coronavirus vaccine when it’s available?

After carrying out the first federal execution in 17 […]

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