Local residents who have been financially impacted by the coronavirus pandemic wait in line at a Thanksgiving meal take home kit food distribution organized by the L.A. Mission, November 20, 2020, outside Compton Avenue Elementary School in Los Angeles, California.
Credit: Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty 

When President Donald Trump departs the White House next month, he will leave in his wake a nation devastated by a pandemic he failed to confront and an economic scene characterized by rising povertywidespread hunger, a looming eviction tsunami, and mass layoffs that have left the U.S. with fewer jobs than when his administration began.

And for that, a scathing new report (pdf) by Democrats on the congressional Joint Economic Committee (JEC) argues, the outgoing president “only has himself to blame.”

Released Friday in response to the 2020 Economic Report of the President (pdf), the assessment of Trump’s economic performance during his four years in office runs directly counter to the rosy depiction frequently offered by the president himself, who seldom missed an opportunity to boast about the state of the stock market even in the midst of […]

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