A man hold his hand to his heart as a Proud Boys organizer recites the Pledge of Allegiance during a Proud Boys rally at Delta Park in Portland, Oregon on September 26, 2020. 
Credit: Maranie R. Staab/AFP/Getty
  • The year 2020 has been defined by the coronavirus pandemic, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the US presidential election.
  • These massive news events also fuelled a growing far-right movement across the United States and the world.
  • From The Proud Boys to the Boogaloo movement, 20 photos show how far-right groups found the limelight this year.
  • Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.

The far-right movement came out of the shadows in the last year.

The year 2020, defined by a global pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement, brought white supremacists, right-wing extremists, and other groups promoting social unrest into the limelight.

From the Proud Boys to QAnon,  the armed militias, and the Boogaloo Bois, scroll down to find out more about how far-right extremism made its way back into the limelight in 2020.

The year 2020 has been defined by white supremacists’ rapid growth, right-wing […]

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