If the sign says ‘Catholic,’ then, by golly, it had better be by-the-book Catholic. That’s what U.S. bishops and agency heads are saying as they make moves across the country to ensure the Church’s directives, particularly on marriage and sexuality are followed to the letter by everyone who flies the brand flag. Today’s news is that Catholic Charities in the five-county Archdiocese of Washington D.C. will no longer offer health insurance to spouses of new employees (current employees on the plan retain the benefit). It’s timed to the legalization of same-sex marriage in the District of Columbia, which takes effect this week, and the announcement that neighboring Maryland recognize gay marriages performed out of state. Catholic Charities, which gets 22 million from the District, has already spun off foster care services rather than confront rules that allow gay foster parents. According to The Washington Post’s William Wan, the agency’s president, Edward J. Orzechowski said these moves allow the agency to … continue providing services, comply with the city’s new requirements and remain faithful to the church’s teaching. When Germany’s Joseph Ratzinger became the new Pope Benedict XVI in 2005, he named Archbishop […]
Sunday, March 7th, 2010
No Wiggle Room On Gay Marriage, Birth Control: Catholic Church
Publication Date: 2 March 2010 08:29 a.m.
Link: No Wiggle Room On Gay Marriage, Birth Control: Catholic Church
Publication Date: 2 March 2010 08:29 a.m.
Link: No Wiggle Room On Gay Marriage, Birth Control: Catholic Church
Stephan: The Roman Catholic Church is an organization so profoundly internally corrupt that it is engaged in a seemingly unending series of massive scandals in Germany, Ireland, the U.S. and, now, in the Vatican itself, costing billions of dollars in reparations. All arising from aberrant sexual behavior on the part of its priesthood and high ranking church laity. Yet, at the same time it engages in an equally endless series of manipulations and maneuvers to enforce its arbitrary views on how its laity should behave sexually. It is one of the weirdest trends going on in the world today.