“If you don’t bother to pause and learn a single thing from it, from your citizens storming your Capitol building, then you’re a fool,” Fox News prime-time star Tucker Carlson said Wednesday night

While his comments were a typical bad-faith jab at elites, he’s absolutely right. But there’s been no soul-searching on his network after violent insurrectionists tried to prevent the U.S. Congress from confirming President-Elect Joe Biden’s victory over President Donald Trump, no on-air consideration of the role Carlson and his colleagues played in inciting that mob.

The pro-Trump insurrectionists, egged on by the president, invaded the Capitol because they had been lied to. Trump, his congressional allies, and his propagandists at Fox and elsewhere had all spent weeks whipping them up with conspiracy theories about massive election fraud that had “rigged” the election in favor of Biden and stolen it from Trump. They bear responsibility for the horrific, lethal results.

Instead, Fox’s most prominent personalities spent Wednesday night and […]

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