The British have quite a history at getting to the bottom of things. Sherlock Holmes is the world’s most famous detective and Scotland Yard, though it sounds like a cricket field, is actually an organization of highly trained spelunkers of truth. Now, researchers have concluded men want sex until they are almost dead, according to a report in the British Medical Journal. The study states men are more likely to be interested in sex than women, and the disparity between genders grows with age. The difference is greatest among the 75- to 85-year-old group: 38.9 percent of men compared with 16.8 percent of women in that age group were sexually active, according to the study. The study also seems to conclude that a happy sex life can help you live longer. Among the findings: * Men and women reporting very good or excellent health were more likely to be sexually active compared with their peers in poor or fair health. * Among sexually active people, good health was also significantly associated with frequent sex (once or more weekly). * People in very good or excellent health were 1.5 to 1.8 times […]

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