Americans are increasingly less worried about global warming and less convinced its effects are already happening, according to an annual Gallup survey released Thursday. Nearly half, 48%, now believe its seriousness is exaggerated, up from 41% in 2009 and 31% in 1997, when Gallup first asked the question, according to the Gallup Social Series Environment poll of 1.014 adults taken March 4-7. Nearly half, or 48%, of U.S. adults now believe the threat of global warming is exaggerated. The poll also finds a sharp turnaround in views about what’s causing the rise in global temperatures. Half, or 50%, now agree with most climate scientists that human activities are the cause, down from 61% in 2003. Half of U.S. adults now agree with most climate scientsts that human activities are the cause of rising global temperatures, down from 61% in 2003, according to a Gallup poll released Thursday. ‘The survey results show that the reversal in Americans’ concerns about global warming that began last year has continued in 2010 — in some cases reverting to the levels recorded when Gallup began tracking global warming measures more than a decade ago,’ Gallup says. The […]

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