Credit: The Telegraph

Millennials are starting to enter their 40s without much to show for it, said Olivia Rockeman and Catarina Saraiva at Bloomberg. “In almost every way measurable,” those born between 1981 and 1999 are doing “worse financially than the generations that came before them.” At 40, Millennials’ average net worth is $91,000, compared with $113,000 (in today’s dollars) for Baby Boomers when they hit their fifth decade. Only 61 percent of these older Millennials own a home, versus 68 percent for members of Gen X and 66 percent for Boomers at the same age. The drop-off is no surprise: To buy a home, Millennials need to spend 50 percent more, after inflation, than their peers did three decades ago. Meanwhile, “more Millennials borrow to pay for college than previous generations, and the loans are bigger,” trailing these borrowers for longer. “If predictions of a long, post-COVID economic boom are to be believed,” hope is not lost for a recovery before retirement. But there should be a new sense of urgency.

“In terms of income and, especially, wealth, Millennials as […]

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