Former President Donald Trump was ranked near the bottom of a new list by historians surveyed on who they believe the best U.S. presidents are, and received the lowest leadership grades of any commander-in-chief over the past 150 years.
It was Trump’s first appearance on C-SPAN’s Historians Survey of Presidential Leadership, with the one-term president ranked 41st out of America’s 45 former executives.
Rated by a group of over 140 historians, the survey ranks former U.S. presidents on 10 different leadership qualities, such as “public persuasion,” “international relations” and “crisis leadership.” Since 2000, C-SPAN has taken the survey after every change in White House administration.
On Wednesday, C-SPAN tweeted that the 2021 survey saw a 50 percent increase in the number of historians participating, and a big jump in the diversity of respondents — as defined by demographic information such as race, gender, age and philosophy.
The results of this year’s survey indicate the divergence between Trump’s standing among academics and how his followers have viewed his presidency — historians hold him in the lowest regard of any president since Reconstruction, yet he continues to hold an iron grip on leadership of the […]
We will have to trust that law, not politics, reign in court.
Who would let a person who acts like a child have access to a nuclear button which could blow up the world? The Republicans who back Trump, that’s who.