From the time written records began to be kept nearly
4,000 years ago in Egypt, although the real origins probably go back millennia earlier and are lost in the mists of time, humans have wanted to know the future. Down to the present day, cultures all over the world have actively sought such information. Edgar Cayce is the very personifcation of this. We know from those early records that this quest traces back to the oracles of Greece, Dodona, Trophonius, Erythaea, Cumæ, and the best known one, Delphi.
All of these efforts have relied on one thing, the nonlocal nature of consciousness:
that aspect of consciousness not limited by time and space.
At the Greek oracles, cadres of girls chosen in a ritual were taken from their families
and raised and taught to attain and sustain intentioned, focused awareness through
techniques like meditation, because intentioned focus is the key to opening to nonlocal
consciousness. Once trained they were known as the Pythia.
The Egyptians had another variation of this, the Oracle of Amun, located deep in the
desert near the Egyptian-Libyan border in a remote oasis. As at […]
Thank you for including this article today and all the detail regarding how the 2060 study as been done. I look forward to reading further findings. So far, everything you wrote seems very possible from what is happening in the world today.
Bravo! Excellent work. Thank you.
These preliminary observations are in line with the dreams and visions of many people in the recent past. They see large earthquakes, asteroid strikes, pandemics, and World War all occurring before 2060, thus accounting for the reduced population and lower living standards seen by the remote viewers.
Excellent! That is what I was hoping for – if projections for 2060 suggest a return to community in the United States and less centralized government. What are some effective strategies we can adopt to prepare for this?
Thank you so much for sharing your excellent work!
Very interesting article, Stephan. I know I will never be reborn as a human on this planet. With a few exceptions, I really do not like humans and will be reborn with my wife in some distant galaxy on the other side of the Universe. That is the plan we made before she passed away and we intend to keep it. Free will does not die, just like consciousness does not die when we leave these bodies. My wife and I will find a much more peaceful planet to live on in whatever bodies they have as long as it is a totally peaceful planet, not like Earth.
Recommend listening to Kryon on youtube for uplifting messages about a future Earth.
Very interesting research. It seems our ancient predecessors were on to something long ago. When life had less distractions and there was more time to develop our innate potential. More recent history concerning alien abduction research plus information given directly to contactee’s tells us that the future is somewhat “fluid” which seems validated by your accuracy findings. It’s unfortunate that these remote viewing methods cannot used to establish contact with the highly advanced beings who seem to be visiting Earth all the time. The knowledge they possess if shared would be transformative.
It is and they are sharing.
Fascinating! Thanks for sharing.
Remote viewing as currently practiced provides verifiable data by following rigorous protocols overseen by experts. My problem is that it seems too focused on fitting into the current scientific paradigm but then I am not that intellectually gifted so science is too complex for me.
I have been interested in future predictions from all quarters for many years. Today on youtube alone one can find many different individuals and practices yielding info on the future directions of humanity in all areas of life. Some of them are Kryon, Lee Harris, Bashar, Abraham and many more. I find them all uplifting predicting, generally speaking, a better future for our dear planet. Difficult times till 2030’ish but by 2050’ish things will be on a more positive track.
They remind me that our pasts and futures spread far out of sight from our present moments. We prepare the world for those coming after us and the long view is immensely helpful to see it is not just about us. Our world is in large measure a reflection of our level/maturity of consciousness, more love=deeper connections, collaboration, intelligence and respect for the natural world. Millions of years behind, millions in front, choices made today can have profound influences we will never know. Don’t hold too tightly to “reality” as it is never just what we think it is.