According to longtime political columnist David French, the next insurrection is likely being planned at a church that has been inviting Christian nationalists to visit and make their case.
In his column for the Dispatch titled, “The Seeds of Political Violence Are Being Sown in Church,” French — who has often written about his Christian beliefs — warned that so-called “Christian road-shows” are hitting the churches and are having a frightening influence on parishioners.
“If you think it’s remotely unusual that a truly extremist event (which included more than one person who’d called for hanging his political opponents) was held at a church, then you’re not familiar with far-right road shows that are stoking extremism in church after church at event after event,” French wrote before asking, “It is always difficult to know when and how to cover extremism. Does highlighting a fringe provide an artificial sense of their danger and strength, in much the same way that ‘nutpicking’ works in online spaces to exaggerate the extremism of your opponents? Or does ignoring […]
These are incredibly un-Christian times and if no one can see that they do not know anything about Jesus’s teachings as presented in the Christian Bible such as the: Treat your neighbor as you would have him/her treat you. And if someone slaps your face, just turn the other side to them, but never slap back.