Stephan: Here is what has happened as a result of the Republican push to pass "Stand Your Ground" Laws at the state level. This is the latest data we have on the American obsessive gun psychosis. More death by firearms. With people wandering around armed with weapons, and poorly written "Stand Your Ground" laws we are becoming an increasingly dangerous country, and that is a factual statement as this report makes clear.
So-called “stand your ground” laws are associated with hundreds of additional homicides each year in the United States, according to new research conducted by public health scholars, who say that these laws “should be reconsidered to prevent unnecessary violent deaths.”
The enactment of SYG laws contributed to an especially pronounced rise in firearm homicide rates in many Southern states that were quick to adopt the laws.
Published Monday in JAMA Network Open, a peer-reviewed medical journal, the study compares homicide trends in roughly two dozen states that enacted stand-your-ground (SYG) laws between 2000 and 2016 with patterns from 18 states that didn’t have such laws during the […]
on Wednesday, February 23, 2022 at 6:05 am
BLM protesters tore down the gates of Mark McCloskey’s gated neighborhood, just like they looted and burned businesses at all of their protest sites. But these acts of violence don’t matter because the protesters were Black and “suppressed”.
Stephan Schwartz
on Wednesday, February 23, 2022 at 3:36 pm
Once again you have made yourself look like a fool, Michael.They didn’t tear down his gates, nor did those people loot. Of course you got all this nonsense from some MAGAt media source.
BLM protesters tore down the gates of Mark McCloskey’s gated neighborhood, just like they looted and burned businesses at all of their protest sites. But these acts of violence don’t matter because the protesters were Black and “suppressed”.
Once again you have made yourself look like a fool, Michael.They didn’t tear down his gates, nor did those people loot. Of course you got all this nonsense from some MAGAt media source.