
Racial dispar­it­ies have long pervaded every step of the crim­inal justice process, from police stops, searches, arrests, shoot­ings and other uses of force to char­ging decisions, wrong­ful convic­tions, and sentences. foot­note1_t3c8c9h1 As a result, many have concluded that a struc­tural or insti­tu­tional bias against people of color, shaped by long-stand­ing racial, economic, and social inequit­ies, infects the crim­inal justice system. foot­note2_f8ppena2 These systemic inequit­ies can also instill impli­cit biases — uncon­scious preju­dices that favor in-groups and stig­mat­ize out-groups — among indi­vidual law enforce­ment offi­cials, influ­en­cing their day-to-day actions while inter­act­ing with the public. 

Police reforms, often imposed after incid­ents of racist miscon­duct or brutal­ity, have focused on address­ing these uncon­scious mani­fest­a­tions of bias. The U.S. Depart­ment of Justice (DOJ), for example, has required impli­cit bias train­ing as part of consent decrees it imposes to root out discrim­in­at­ory prac­tices in law enforce­ment agen­cies. Such train­ing meas­ures are designed to […]

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