In an effort to strengthen the connection between the digital and physical worlds, HP today said that its researchers have created a tiny wireless microchip called the Memory Spot that can be used to affix digital content to tangible objects. The chip-about the size of half a grain of rice-might be attached to a photo print, where it could provide access to the original digital photo file to anyone who wanted to make a company. Howard Taub, VP and Associate Director of Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, said he hopes to see chip reading electronics, costing perhaps a few dollars, built into cell phones, PDAs, Flash drives, and other devices, including printers. Taub said HP’s aim was to make potential partners aware of the technology so they can begin discussing how it might be developed and deployed. He estimated it could take several years before it’s commercially useful, with an eco-system of readers and product uses that make the chips practical. Taub also showed how the chip might be used to attach an audio file of a physician reading a prescription to a pill bottle. Another demonstration included a postcard that contained a version of the classic arcade game PacMan […]
Tuesday, July 18th, 2006
New HP Wireless Chip Connects The Digital And Real Worlds
Source: InformationWeek
Publication Date: 7/17/2006 19:00
Link: New HP Wireless Chip Connects The Digital And Real Worlds
Source: InformationWeek
Publication Date: 7/17/2006 19:00
Link: New HP Wireless Chip Connects The Digital And Real Worlds