Sunday, July 3rd, 2022
Editor’s Note – The Weaponization of Lies
Author: Stephan A. Schwartz
Source: Schwartzreport
Publication Date: 3 July 2022
Link: Editor’s Note – The Weaponization of Lies
Source: Schwartzreport
Publication Date: 3 July 2022
Link: Editor’s Note – The Weaponization of Lies
Stephan: Yesterday I posted a paper I had written, "The Weaponization of Lies". A number of you wrote to tell me you could not access the total article. That has now been fixed by Beth Alexander, the woman who makes SR function. You can now click through and see the entirety of the piece. Let me know what you think.
Click here for the article pdf
Great article, Stephan. I cannot believe that so many Republicans have not gotten vaccinated.
P.S. I used my other computer this time and it works to let me post comments. It must be something wrong with my other computer, so I will not use it again.
He who owns the media, owns the news which we read and some of us accept it as fact because that same “some” do not look with open minds at other sources to examine the news to make sure it is actual facts.
If the law required representatives of the Government to actually tell the truth to the public in their statements trust in the Government would be significantly higher. Having been raised in a society where government lies are common, from the Gulf of Tonkin incident, to “body counts”, to weapons of mass destruction, etc…. The government has worked hard to destroy the trust of the population. This doesn’t even begin to touch CoIntelpro, and the so called Patriot Act. A project supported by the duopoly over the course of decades. The results are predictable, and should be expected.