Politicians often talk of “God given Rights’,” including gun ownership.  Having closely checked their Christian Holy Bible, there is not a single reference to guns in the entire document. Nor is there a reference to God granting any rights to Americans.  That does not stop Republican politicians from uttering such audaciousness, nay stupidity, as they offer thoughts and prayers after each horrendous mass shooting. Yes, audaciously they have the temerity to speak for their God – and assure us that He (as that entity is certainly a male) is okay with indiscriminate killing of innocent people.  That in obvious contravention of Exodus 29:13 (thou shalt not kill/murder).  

As the bodies pile up, we hear from Congressional representatives and we get nonsense as they abdicate their responsibilities.  Consider Tim Burchette’s poignant comment immediately after three nine-year-old students and three adults were slaughtered in his state, “We’re not gonna fix it.” He went on to astutely note, “Criminal gonna be criminals.”  He then opined about what his father told him about World War II. Unfortunately, comparing combat in the Pacific during WWII, to a grade-school shooting […]

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