The just released study on the extreme danger humanity and all living beings on earth now face as a result of climate change frankly ought to command the attention of every politician in the world, and it should be at the top of every nation’s agenda. But it does not, and is not. In the United States, for instance, I did not see a single television corporate media channel even mention this report. Today’s news was about how Hunter Biden five years ago when he was a cocaine addict, bought a gun, which he never used, or even loaded and in buying it falsely answered a form question as to whether he was using drugs when he bought the gun. A gun he owned for a total of 11 days. How many Red state gun owners who smoke marijuana, which is illegal in their states, as well as federally, do you think have done the same, when filling out the form? A hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, a million? The point of this drill is obviously to create counter programming about the Biden’s to counteract and take up media time so there is less coverage of Trump’s criminality.
Scientists behind a new study on the crossing of the Earth’s “planetary boundaries” on Wednesday likened the planet to a sick patient, warning that six out of nine barriers that ensure the Earth is a “safe operating space for humanity” have now been breached.
This report was covered on CNN