Having well-behaved kids is often a concern for parents. But not all adults in every country actually think it’s one the most important things.
Overall, adults in the U.S. are least likely to say that kids having good manners is an especially important quality — just 52% of them said so in 2017, according to a report released this month by King’s College London. That makes the U.S. the country least likely, of the 24 countries surveyed in recent years, to believe good manners are crucial for kids.
This is a significant drop from 1990, when 76% of U.S. adults said it was a very important quality for children to possess, the data shows.
It’s also a stark contrast to the leading country, Egypt, where 96% of those surveyed said good manners should be a top parenting priority. Nigeria comes in second place with 89%, followed by Morocco with 88%.
Sixth-placed U.K. isn’t far off, with 85% saying good manners were key.
The report […]