What will happen if the Texas drought goes on for another two years?

I live in Budha, Texas, a very typical rural Texas town of less than 2500. What I am describing is taking place within about a 10 mile radius of my house. Ten iddy biddy miles. Expand this out to all of Texas…..

One of the great mystery questions in life is ‘what happens to birds when they die, and why don’t we ever see them?’ – Birds are falling out dead from the trees. Just, plunk, a dead bird.

How many vultures do you usually see around road kill? Four, five, six? Try 30. Thirty birds vying for any kind of moisture from a dead thing, any kind of nourishment.

Last week 100 cattle dropped dead in the field, pretty much all at once. The fire department was called to water down the rest of the herd, trying to save it.

There is no hay, no food, no grass, no insects, no standing water for breeding mosquitos, no mosquitos – in Texas!, nothing to eat. The bats are in peril.

Every morning around 9:00am I go out and water my birds. I take a long hose, put the hand sprinkler on ‘jet’ and […]

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