Proponents of gay marriage scored a huge victory in June when the New York Legislature passed a law legalizing it, advocates celebrated when Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed it, and Mayor Bloomberg marked the occasion by officiating the wedding of two top staffers. In short, the political establishment embraced gay marriage in New York, and now it’s a part of life in the state.
In Vermont, it’s been part of life since April of 2009. A new survey from Public Policy Polling provides a look into how the law is viewed by Vermont residents, who have clearly accepted it as part of the state’s social fabric: 58% say that same sex marriage should be legal.
Even more more instructive was one of the questions in the poll that asked if ‘…the legalization of gay marriage in Vermont had a positive or negative impact on your life, or has it not had any impact at all?’ Overall, 60% of respondents said it hadn’t had any impact at all, but a look inside the numbers saw that this opinion was held by a majority of most voters in the state by ideology. The crosstabs show that 73% of political moderates said there was no impact […]