Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg donated $1 billion to the Johns Hopkins medical school to provide free tuition to most students. Credit: Steve Zak / WireImage / Getty

Michael Bloomberg last week gave $1 billion to his alma mater, Johns Hopkins University, to make medical school free for most students there.

It’s a well-meaning gesture, aiming to remedy America’s doctor shortages that have left more than 100 million Americans without access to regular primary care, particularly in rural and low-income communities. “By reducing the financial barriers to these essential fields, we can free more students to pursue careers they’re passionate about — and enable them to serve more of the families and communities who need them the most,” Bloomberg said in a statement.

But a donation to an elite, big-city medical school is unlikely to be much help, experts told me.

“If you have this pot of money and you could bestow it on health professional schools with the goal of improving geographic distribution, with the goal […]

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