Supreme Court justices posing for their official photo in Washington, D.C., on October 7, 2022. Democrats want to expand the number of judges by four. Credit: Olivier Douliery / Getty

Democrats have renewed calls to add four more seats to the Supreme Court as a way of diluting its conservative majority.

On Thursday, Massachusetts Senator Edward J. Markey and Georgia Representative Hank Johnson, a member of the Judiciary Subcommittee, held a news conference to call for an expansion of the court and highlight the Judiciary Act, which would create a 13-justice Supreme Court.

Markey, the lead author of the legislation, told reporters in Washington, D.C., that the bill is intended to overcome the court’s swing to “extremist” far-right politics.

“The court’s recent decisions on presidential immunity, Chevron deference and overturning Roe v. Wade laid bare that a far-right, extremist majority has been fully captured and plunged the court into a crisis of confidence and legitimacy,” he said.

The Supreme Court’s ruling on Chevron deference makes it harder for federal agencies to act on […]

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