The National Fraternal Order of Police endorses a traitor and convicted felon

On 6 September, the National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) officially announced they will support a convicted felon for president of the United States. Their statement includes, “The FOP is the number one voice of America’s law enforcement. We have a responsibility to our members, to the 700,000 sworn law enforcement officers in the United States, and to the communities they serve to do our part in determining the direction in which our country will head.”  In so doing, the FOP made it clear they place their personal and institutional allegiance above that of the U.S. Constitution and the American people they are sworn to protect and defend.

While the FOP has previously endorsed several presidential candidates, this is the first time they have supported a convicted felon who is awaiting sentencing on 34 counts and many more pending.  Notably they did support Trump after he recommended that they could/should […]

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