I have been going between networks listening to what is happening to our country. Fox, of course, is just lying, but MSNBC, CNN, and BBC, are actually shocking and scary. What Trump and his MAGAts are trying to do is create a post-Constitutional governmental system, as Thom Hartmann, describes. We have become a nation that has little or nothing in common with what the Founders created. If you are a fertile woman, particularly in a Red state, I would buy, and put away some misoprostol and mifepristone. If you have been considering any large purchase of something like a washing machine or dishwasher I would buy it now if you can. Everything I read, and see, tells me that prices of everything are going to go up. Day-to-day costs of groceries are going to go up seriously, perhaps to levels we have never before seen. It isn’t clear to me what is going to happen to Medicaid and Medicare, but I don’t think benefits are going to go up. Although he may try I don’t think Trump is going to be able to end social security, because even the spineless Republicans in Congress, will fear that could hurt their own chances in 2026. Of course, that is assuming there is an election in 2026.
Donald Trump holds a baseball bat while looking at exhibits during a Spirit of America Showcase in the Entrance Hall of the White House July 02, 2020 in Washington, DC. Credit: Chip Somodevilla / Getty
Alexander Hamilton thought he (and the others who wrote the Constitution) had it all figured out.
He and his colleagues never imagined that a group of billionaires would spend 43 years and billions of dollars to seize the US Supreme Court, which would then legalize political bribery.
They never conceived of a foreign billionaire family coming to American and building a nationwide media ecosystem that was capable of convincing Americans that up was down, wrong was right, and a convicted fraudster and rapist would be a noble president.
They would’ve laughed at you if you told them that the richest man in the world would come from apartheid South Africa to hook up with a grifter billionaire to become co-president.
“The process of election affords a moral certainty, that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not […]
Albus Eddie
on Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 6:29 am
The distruction of the news media has been purposeful, consistent, and bipartican. Since the Reagan administration both parties have supported the distruction of news, and have moved to transform it into infotainment. So when you look around to try to understand the circus that surrounds you blame both Democrats and Republican who are hostle to a free press as it seeks to pull the covers off the crimes.
As a consequence we saw journalists “embedded” and controlled by the military when reporting on our many invasions. Since that proved a limited tacit the empire had to resort to inprisionment. Julian Assange was a fine example to the reporter as to where free reporting will get you.
Both major parties understood following Vietnam that the free reporting of facts harms the interest of the empire and supports democratic process. News must be paid for. The illusion, that the Google business model fosters, that you can have news for free has been supported by the governement allowing “aggregators” to “scrape” news from other sources and repackage it at a profit. This is another name for theft.
During the Vietnam era, it became very clear to me that what I was being fed by a good deal of the news media was incomplete at best, and actively distorted at worst. I was able to seek news sources via short wave radio from the BBC, Radio Detuchavela, Radio South Africa, Radio Havana, etc, etc…..There was, and continues to be news that American media just does not report, and which the media censors. This continues to be true today. At least with radio, the government could not monitor your news habits. Now, I suspect, there are entire governemnt bureaucracies dedicated to monitoring the news sites the citizens visit. All, I’m sure, to protect me from “misinformation”.
As news coverage deteriorated into entertainment the pubic understood it was not being served but was being propagandized. As a consequence, trust in the media has declined and this is well deserved. Now, although I sample many news sources, subscription to specific sites, and journalists is the way to go.
We have been moving to a mafia state for a long while. Are we ready for true diversity? A multi-party Democracy? I doubt it. There is too much at stake for the Uniparty to lose.
Terri Quint
on Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 9:12 am
You stated it exactly, Stephan. These are scary times for those who really love this country and see what Fox News and Trump, et. al, are planning to do to our beloved country!!! It’s frightening and a feeling of hopelessness has gone through a number of my friends. We are just saying to wait in two years and get rid of the GOP majority in House and Senate, if that’s even possible. But the damage that will be done will be really difficult to help. But the Dems have to have a professional, no some young guy who never ran a large organization, leading this party in an organized, focused manner and help pick great candidates who will win! That’s all I can see for the future except lying low until the next election comes. Hopefully, he hasn’t been able to destroy this country in that two year period.
The distruction of the news media has been purposeful, consistent, and bipartican. Since the Reagan administration both parties have supported the distruction of news, and have moved to transform it into infotainment. So when you look around to try to understand the circus that surrounds you blame both Democrats and Republican who are hostle to a free press as it seeks to pull the covers off the crimes.
As a consequence we saw journalists “embedded” and controlled by the military when reporting on our many invasions. Since that proved a limited tacit the empire had to resort to inprisionment. Julian Assange was a fine example to the reporter as to where free reporting will get you.
Both major parties understood following Vietnam that the free reporting of facts harms the interest of the empire and supports democratic process. News must be paid for. The illusion, that the Google business model fosters, that you can have news for free has been supported by the governement allowing “aggregators” to “scrape” news from other sources and repackage it at a profit. This is another name for theft.
During the Vietnam era, it became very clear to me that what I was being fed by a good deal of the news media was incomplete at best, and actively distorted at worst. I was able to seek news sources via short wave radio from the BBC, Radio Detuchavela, Radio South Africa, Radio Havana, etc, etc…..There was, and continues to be news that American media just does not report, and which the media censors. This continues to be true today. At least with radio, the government could not monitor your news habits. Now, I suspect, there are entire governemnt bureaucracies dedicated to monitoring the news sites the citizens visit. All, I’m sure, to protect me from “misinformation”.
As news coverage deteriorated into entertainment the pubic understood it was not being served but was being propagandized. As a consequence, trust in the media has declined and this is well deserved. Now, although I sample many news sources, subscription to specific sites, and journalists is the way to go.
We have been moving to a mafia state for a long while. Are we ready for true diversity? A multi-party Democracy? I doubt it. There is too much at stake for the Uniparty to lose.
You stated it exactly, Stephan. These are scary times for those who really love this country and see what Fox News and Trump, et. al, are planning to do to our beloved country!!! It’s frightening and a feeling of hopelessness has gone through a number of my friends. We are just saying to wait in two years and get rid of the GOP majority in House and Senate, if that’s even possible. But the damage that will be done will be really difficult to help. But the Dems have to have a professional, no some young guy who never ran a large organization, leading this party in an organized, focused manner and help pick great candidates who will win! That’s all I can see for the future except lying low until the next election comes. Hopefully, he hasn’t been able to destroy this country in that two year period.