Since 1972 when I was appointed by Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird to the Secretary of Defense-MIT Study Group on Innovation, Technology, and the Future, I have been studying what is happening in the news, looking for trends. In 1991 I began publishing online the daily Schwartzreport, and since 2005 I have been researching these papers for each issue of Explore in both of which I track trends thatare shaping our future. Even longer, since the late 1960s, I have been an experimentalist studying the nature of consciousness, particularly non-physiologically based, nonlocal consciousness. I go into this bit of bio because these parallel paths in my life have made me recognize a trend that media, politicians, and most people neither mention or even notice: a precognition that is shaping humanity’s future. Let me begin with the United States. If you look at the Project 2025 book, several of whose authors now hold high positions in the current administration, it is easy to see this is the blueprint now guiding the United States.  This is a book about […]

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