— The fossil fuel industry is apparently paying off Republicans — in a practice legalized by Republicans on the Supreme Court — to make sure Congress never passes legislation to hold them accountable for all the death and destruction they’ve caused by lying about climate change for the past 50 years. Here, for example, are the biggest recipients of their largesse, according to OpenSecrets: Romney, Mitt (R-UT) $8,291,262; Cornyn, John (R-TX) $4,678,062; Cruz, Ted (R-TX) $4,138,421; McConnell, Mitch (R-KY) $2,852,107; McCarthy, Kevin (R-CA) $2,581,832; Hutchison, Kay Bailey (R-TX) $2,332,021; Inhofe, James M (R-OK) $2,320,139; Pearce, Steve (R-NM) $2,236,714; Barton, Joe (R-TX) $2,211,987; Brady, Kevin (R-TX) $2,087,396; Scalise, Steve (R-LA) $1,847,013; Murkowski, Lisa (R-AK) $1,792,602. If you haven’t yet noticed the trend, just check out the party affiliation of each…
— Convicted Felon Trump now has the “Scarlet F”: Our first felon President. There was a time […]
You can thank the Supreme Court for all of these payments. Citizens United (what an awful title) is to blame and totally undemocratic and should be overturned once Americans wake up and realize that most of their rights have been undermined by SCOTUS! Americans have to wake up and realize that the GOP cares not one whit about them and Democrats are the only party that has ever protected them at work, in health care, in education, law enforcement, etc. etc. It is the ONLY party that actually cares about the middle and lower classes and has worked tirelessly for years and years and this is the thanks? Electing Trump? Wow! We really have a lot of stupid, ignorant people in this country who pay no attention to real facts when they watch Fox.
Stupd people..Yes…It’s scary…I stay focised on the present moment and hope tht true intteligence will prevail and positive outcomes are ready to be born. There are many of us who are still asking questions and in tune with the Universal dream and Spirit of Integrity and commuity. I know we are out there. How we navigate these times is a big questions for all of us. I can say one thing. I love allof you who still have a brain and heart that works. and can create a new world somehow… We’re still here…Now what? Truth is still alive along with us. Thank you Stephan for our incredible service