MUNICH, GERMANY — French President Emmanuel Macron is convening European leaders for an emergency summit in Paris on Monday, according to Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday.
“I’m very glad that President Macron has called our leaders to Paris,” Sikorski said, adding that he expects the European leaders to discuss “in a very serious fashion” the challenges posed by U.S. President Donald Trump.
“President Trump has a method of operating which the Russians call razvedka boyem —reconnaissance through battle: You push and you see what happens, and then you change your position. … And we need to respond,” the Polish minister said.
The meeting will take place on Monday, according to two EU officials.
It was not immediately clear whether the meeting would involve all EU leaders, or only a smaller group of countries, and if other European leaders like U.K. Prime Minister Keir Starmer would also be invited.
A French spokesperson […]
Given No.2’s propensity toward authoritarianism and belief that HE’S the most important leader in the world, it is hopeful that the Europeans get together and organize at the coming meeting on Monday. They will be the strong ones and become stronger without No.2 harming the world in his image. Europe must stand together and protect itself because No.2 is too focused on himself and his power and cares nothing for the rest of the world. They are finally beginning to recognize this. Be strong, Europe! The world needs you to be.
This is wonderful news! NATO as an organization has had no real purpose since the fall of the Soviet Union. It should have been disbanded then. What it has done is to foment conflict with increasing expansion and the exclusion of Russia to where the world has been closer to Nuclear War than at any time in decades. The United States taxpayer no longer needs to subsidize the defense costs of Europe. This money can be much better spent at home. The sooner the empire is dismantled the safer we will all be. I understand that there is this current delusion in fashion that Europe will organize its own army to fight Russia in support of Ukraine. The truth of the matter is that the citizens of Europe have no taste for war or the costs to their social welfare state that it will impose. The war in Ukraine was engineered by greedy neo-cons who enjoy nothing but war. The sooner it ends the better. Think outside the box.
Wrong, the war of conquest in Ukraine was “engineered” by Putin’s kleptocratic imperial mentality. NATO was no threat, the EU no threat, political movements or armies massing to invade, no… the only threat was how to steal more of the wealth pouring in everyday from the sale of the oil, gas and other natural resources. Russia has a long history of invading and subjugating their neighbors. Ask the Poles, the Baltic states and Finland as a start, not forgetting China who is an ally for now.