The American press is “not equipped” to cover a true authoritarian strongman presidency like President Donald Trump is creating, warned Huffington Post senior White House correspondent S.V. Dáte in a dire analysis Wednesday.
“The Washington, D.C., press corps, used to playing small ball for small exclusives, has been suddenly thrust into a presidential administration that appears hell-bent on transforming our constitutional republic into something entirely different,” wrote Dáte. “For decades, the coin of the realm in political journalism was access. Who you knew determined what you knew, and especially what ‘inside’ information the people you knew were willing to give you.”
That kind of reporting can often lead to big scoops in a political environment where politicians play by the rules and care about norms and democracy. But it’s wholly inadequate for the beast the free press, and the American people at large, now face, he […]
The major media is certainly capable of covering the news but has consistently chosen not to do so. There is excellent journalism occurring but it is happening in venues hosting a more subscription model. The mainstream media focus on access and the scoop has resulted in degraded content which has resulted in this media earning the contempt of a large portion of the public who is tired of being exposed to elite sponsored social engineering projects rather than the reporting of facts and history to foster citizens drawing their own conclusions. The old media is dead. I have limited contact with it, and when I do so often feel the need to wash afterward to rid myself of the stench of propaganda.
Stephan, you are sooooo right! There are so many things I do not see on either TV or in the newspaper and I have to agree. Maybe it is that they are not equipped, but maybe they too have no spine and are worried about repercussions—like being ostracized from the press coverages, like what happened to AP. Well, are there no reporters with spines? Isn’t it their job to inform the public about what is going on? I can understand Fox News because they are abominable as a “news” agency. They certainly are not truthful news—-they lies like No.2, they misinform, the disinform, and they omit any unpleasant information about No.2. That is why I have been advocating for a while now that Congress needs to pass a law that it should be against the law to lie to the public about facts that have occurred or stated, especially if a program is labeled NEWS! And the penalty for lying for any of the above should be millions of dollars in fines! That’s what puts them on the right path! The Founding Fathers realized the important of an informed public; otherwise, how would they know what is going on and what issues and representatives to support? We need senators and representatives with spines because clearly the elected ones we have (primarily GOP ones), don’t have one.