The American press is “not equipped” to cover a true authoritarian strongman presidency like President Donald Trump is creating, warned Huffington Post senior White House correspondent S.V. Dáte in a dire analysis Wednesday.
“The Washington, D.C., press corps, used to playing small ball for small exclusives, has been suddenly thrust into a presidential administration that appears hell-bent on transforming our constitutional republic into something entirely different,” wrote Dáte. “For decades, the coin of the realm in political journalism was access. Who you knew determined what you knew, and especially what ‘inside’ information the people you knew were willing to give you.”
That kind of reporting can often lead to big scoops in a political environment where politicians play by the rules and care about norms and democracy. But it’s wholly inadequate for the beast the free press, and the American people at large, now face, he […]
The press is not equipped because it has been neutered. Trump has gotten away with beating on the press because they are sheep. There are no clarion calls from the press for the end of the neo-liberal economic system and worldwide empire that has made Trump and his ilk possible. As the article states: ”
“The Washington, D.C., press corps, used to playing small ball for small exclusives, has been suddenly thrust into a presidential administration that appears hell-bent on transforming our constitutional republic into something entirely different,” wrote Dáte. “For decades, the coin of the realm in political journalism was access. Who you knew determined what you knew, and especially what ‘inside’ information the people you knew were willing to give you.”
While the Washington Press Corp was playing small ball, a representative of the press was locked away in an embassy and then in Belmarsh prison in England for years for the crime of journalism. This will forever be a stain upon us, and the lessons have been well learned by mainstream media to cover stories which do not directly challenge power. This is why many of us no longer pay attention to main stream news which has become a hose of propaganda supporting empire. As we continue to obtain our information from alternate sources the established press continues to be a hollow vehicle for power. As the old television show maintained : “The truth is out there”, but you have to seek it yourself, and do the work of connecting the dots. Don’t expect the press to do it for you. Think outside the box.
The entire 100 minutes address by No.2 was filled with constantly yelling, “Lie, lie, lie!!” It was unfathomable to hear so many lies out of his mouth! And as the article stated and other publications noted, they would have spent their time noting the lies and trying to find any truth in what he was saying. Yes, the Dems seem to be too quiet about what is going on, but I believe they are biding their time as the harm that he and Musk are doing to our people and our country is well established. Then they can rant and rave to Americans how terrible this administration really is and how they are being harmed and will continue to be.
What is really exasperating is that all these firings and cuts and eliminations of agencies, etc. are solely for the purpose of proving even more money to the ultra-rich in the form of tax cuts. We know that regular Americans will get the puniest tax cuts in history and it is the ultra-rich who will be rewarded. All of this causing harm to those much less fortunate who absolutely need the help, including all the people in other countries that USAID helps. Be prepared for massive deaths, millions and millions, when this money stops helping people. And who in the US will be harmed the most—-the poorest and those in rural communities, but No.2 could care less. But the MAGAs are waking up (because they too have been fired) and are finally realizing that their lives will be greatly impacted by his aims to pay back his election supporters.