This article was compiled from interviews conducted by Ben Jacobs, Jasper Goodman, Jordain Carney, Jennifer Scholtes, Hailey Fuchs, Emma Dumain, Lisa Kashinsky, Connor O’Brien, Holly Otterbein, Adam Wren, Daniella Diaz and Nicholas Wu. Juan Benn Jr. contributed to this report.
It’s hard to find an institution the public loathes more than Congress. But guess what? Many of the people in Congress aren’t so happy with it either.
To get an inside look at what it’s like to serve on Capitol Hill — after years of gridlock, government shutdowns and now another Donald Trump stampede through Washington — we sat down with 25 lawmakers who were ready to dish.
We talked about what they hate and love about Congress, why it’s broken and how to fix it (one suggestion: bring back the powdered wigs). They also told us what would really shock the public if they knew the truth about life as a […]
What is obvious is that we have to have terms limits. Not just by age, but time in office. No one should be in Congress after 70. A senator should be able to have two terms and a representative can have 3. But that’s it!!! Then, should a representative or a senator want to have a good legacy, a presence in their position would be one of quality and paying attention to necessary issues that must be addressed. Cut the nonsense and silliness and spend time truly helping Americans and this country deal with issues that are needed, not fluff and silliness.