G20 meeting

Chris Uhlmann reporting for Australia’s ABCon Donald Trump & the G20. There is little I can add to this — transcribed below.

What we already knew Barry, that the President of the United States has a particular skill set – that he’s identified an illness in Western Democracies, but he has no cure for it and seems intent on exploiting it.

And we’ve also learned that he has no desire and no capacity to lead the world.

The G20 became the G19 as it ended.

On the Paris Climate Accords the US was left Isolated & friendless. But given that was always going to happen, a deft President would have found an issue around which he could rally most of the leaders. And he had the Perfect one – North Korea’s missile tests.

So where was the G20 statement condemning North Korea which would have put pressure on China and Russia?

Other leaders expected it. They were prepared to back it. But it never came.

There’s a tendency among some hopeful souls to confuse the speeches written for […]

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