Social media was ablaze this morning with a video taken at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington of a golden statue in the image of Donald Trump. People right away associated the graven image with the golden calf of the Bible—when Moses took so long bringing Yahweh’s Law down from Mt. Sinai that his brother succumbed to pressure to erect an idol to a competing god. “Mentioned in Exodus 32 and I Kings 12 in the Old Testament, worship of the golden calf is seen as a supreme act of apostasy, the rejection of a faith once confessed,” according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. “The figure is probably a representation of the Egyptian bull god Apis in the earlier period and of the Canaanite fertility god Baal in the latter.”
Now, there’s more important stuff going on right now. The parliamentarian of the United States Senate, for instance, ruled last night that the provision in the president’s covid relief package that raises the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour cannot pass by way of “reconciliation,” which is […]
Has there ever been a bigger gathering of delusional dumb-asses? And could anything illustrate that better than the “golden trump”, Moses is not going to be happy.
I thought after the Capitol invasion that this would be a turning point, a bridge too far, refocusing the conservative mind, bringing some objective reality to bear. But no after a week or less to recover the invasion became a leftist plot, a BLM/ANTIFA manipulation of god’s patriots who came in peace but were led astray.
The Republicans worship the golden, moneyed, inequalitarians. That is the opposite of what was taught in the Christian Bible.
I think that Democrats are ignoring a very important constituency in not emphasizing religion. In the anti-racial movement of the 60s, religion was a major contributor to the movement. What would it have been without Martin Luther King and the other religious leaders? The Republicans seem to be using religion, however perverted, as much as possible.