The entrance of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Credit:

The entrance of the International Criminal Court (ICC).

The International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor is studying a US Senate report on the CIA’s torture of terrorism suspects “very, very closely”, she told Middle East Eye on Thursday.

“We’re looking at the report. We’re looking at the report very, very closely. And we will determine what to do, especially if it relates to our jurisdiction in Afghanistan,” said Fatou Bensouda. “This is what we’re doing now; we’re looking at it very, very closely.”

In December, the Senate Intelligence Committee released a five-year review of 6.3 million pages of CIA documents that described waterboarding, week-long bouts of sleep deprivation and a technique of “rectal feeding” being used on detainees.

The CIA interrogation programme was devised by two agency contractors to squeeze information from suspects after the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington. Interrogations took place in countries that included Afghanistan, Poland and Romania.

ICC prosecutors revealed that they were examining alleged crimes in Afghanistan in 2007. […]

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