When I began Schwartzreport my purpose was to produce an entirely fact-based daily publication in favor of the earth, the inter-connectedness and interdependence of all life, democracy, equality for all, liberty, and things that are life-affirming. Also, to warn my readers about actions, events, and trends that threaten those values. Our country now stands at a crossroads, indeed, the world stands at a crossroads where those values are very much at risk and it is up to each of us who care about wellbeing to do what we can to defend those principles. I want to thank all of you who have contributed to SR, particularly those of you who have scheduled an ongoing monthly contribution. It makes a big difference and is much appreciated. It is one thing to put in the hours each day and to do the work for free, but another to have to cover the rising out-of-pocket costs. For those of you who haven’t done so, but read SR regularly, I ask that you consider supporting it.

— Stephan


Schwartz Report Episode 51: The Precognition That is Shaping Our Culture

References to further explore this episode can be found HERE

Rising seas could swallow millions of U.S. acres within decades


Here is what everyone, including the MAGAt climate change deniers are about to learn. I have been telling my readers for years now, if you own a coastal property please take some time to Google what is predicted for your area before it happens. Don’t lose your investment, as is already happening to people who own homes and buildings on the Florida and North Carolina coasts.

A beachfront home collapses along Ocean Drive in Rodanthe, N.C.,  Credit: AP

The water is coming.

There’s no longer much doubt about that, as scientists have increasingly documented how the warming of theplanet has acceleratedsea level rise along coasts around the world.

Sign up for the Climate Coach newsletter and get advice for life on our changing planet, in your inbox every Tuesday and Thursday.

But an analysis published Thursday by the research nonprofit Climate Central reveals a troubling dimension of the economic toll that could unfold in the United States, as hundreds of thousands of homes, offices and other privately owned properties slip below swelling tide lines over the next few decades.

Here are five takeaways from the research about the people and places that stand to lose most, the likely ripple effects and reasons the world must cut its emissions of greenhouse gases in order to eventually stem the rising waters:

1. Sea level rise will shift coastlines — and property lines

Researchers at Climate Central took scientific data on projected sea level rise, […]

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Utah Bills Itself as “Family-Friendly” Even as Lawmakers Have Long Neglected Child Care


The thing that strongly stands out with Red states, especially states where Christian Nationalism is particularly strong, and Utah is essentially a theocracy controlled by the LDS (Mormon) church, is that they endless rant on about how strongly they support families, yet the truth is it is all a lie. Red states have higher maternal and infant mortality. They have a higher rate of divorce, a higher rate of out of wedlock births, a higher rate of divorce, poorer child care, poorer education and on and on. Utah particularly stands out. In addition to all that Utah has the highest rate of porn viewing — indeed an ex-Mormon reader told me there are even special Mormon porn channels. The state also has a terrible record on climate change. It is so bad, in fact, that the Great Salt Lake is disappearing, and because Utah had such poor pollution policies the exposed soil of the drying lake is filled with arsenic that is now blowing around Salt Lake City with all kinds of bad health consequences. States controlled by Republicans always have inferior social wellbeing. (See the SR archives, and watch the SR podcasts for the proof of what I am saying.)

The Brigham City Utah LDS Temple Credit: Sarabeth Maney

For nearly a year, Melanie Call struggled to balance working from home full time with caring for her new baby.

Her job as a project manager for a Salt Lake City health care staffing agency required spending hours in video meetings. If her son was awake, she would turn off her camera. When he woke from a nap while she was already occupied in a meeting, she would feel her guilt grow as she heard him cry through a baby monitor.

Call, who is married to an architectural designer, had an older daughter in elementary school and a younger daughter already in day care, and wasn’t sure she could afford to send another child.

Having two children in day care would have consumed nearly 20% of her family’s take-home pay, despite her and her husband making six figures combined. Eventually, she put her son on three waiting lists for day care, but before she could find an opening she reached a breaking point and quit […]

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Supreme Court Allows Idaho to Enforce Its Strict Abortion Ban, Even in Medical Emergencies


Although an overwhelming majority of American voters in all states who feel women should have the right to control their own bodies the Supreme Court’s conservative cabal and the Republican controlled state legislatures have combined to create two levels of healthcare in the Red states; one for men and one for women. Nothing is going to change this but Red state voters turning their states Blue. I don’t think that is going to happen, and the result therefore is going to be enormous misery and increasing deaths of women in Red states.

Supreme Court Credit: Mariam Zuhaib / AP

WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Friday allowed Idaho to enforce its strict abortion ban, even in medical emergencies, while a legal fight continues.

The justices said they would hear arguments in April and put on hold a lower court ruling that had blocked the Idaho law in hospital emergencies, based on a lawsuit filed by the Biden administration.

The Idaho case gives the court its second major abortion dispute since the justices in 2022 overturned Roe v. Wade and allowed states to severely restrict or ban abortion. The court also in the coming months is hearing a challenge to the Food and Drug Administration’s rules for obtaining mifepristone, one of two medications used in the most common method of abortion in the United States.

In the case over hospital emergencies, the Biden administration has argued that hospitals that receive Medicare funds are required by federal law to provide emergency care, potentially including abortion, no matter if there’s a state law banning abortion.

The administration issued guidance about the federal law, the Emergency Medical […]

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Editor’s Note — Update


Using an old Mac laptop I hadn’t used in years, I have jury-rigged a way to get SR back into publication. It is clunky and not easy, I cannot hook everything up, but doable.

In 2023, as in the previous year, and the one before that, and so on back more years than I can remember attempts to hack and crash SR have typically run over 7,000 a year. They come from Russia, China, Hungary other authoritarian countries and, particularly, the United States. It is very clear that fascists and other haters and racists of many nationalities don’t like SR’s fact-based nature, and don’t want the things I say, or the articles I feature to become known. For a number of years now to stop these attacks and hacks from destroying SR I have spent a considerable and now growing amount of money for various protection services. I want SR to continue to be freely available and I don’t permit advertising because I don’t have time to research each company to see if they promote wellbeing. That’s why your contributions in support of SR are so deeply appreciated. They make a real difference. I also want to particularly thank, Beth Alexander, who handles the production of SR every day, and without whose support I could not publish.

That said, I confess, I did not expect to have my personal email account attacked in the way that just happened. I don’t know who did it but it was very personal. Several nights ago, after I had closed down for the day, about 0300, and gone to bed, someone hacked my iMac computer and basically destroyed it. The technology used is more sophisticated than I fully understand, but the result was the next morning the computer would turn on but would not boot. I could access nothing. The best technician on the island has been working on it since that morning and tells me it will be several more days before he is through. I may have to buy a new iMac. My biggest fear at this point though is that something was done to the Time Machine and that I could be facing the loss of 30 years of work. It is clear that to protect myself from this happening again I am going to have to subscribe to several new protection services, and create multiple back-ups in different locations. I am also going to have to explore what needs to be done to protect the SR podcast. Sadly, we are becoming a very nasty hate-filled world.

I thank all of you again for your supportive comments, and your contributions. SR will continue in spite of all that has happened.

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Record Low in U.S. Satisfied With Way Democracy Is Working


It is my opinion that the reason so few Americans are supporting democracy is because of issues that are mostly not even discussed by corporate media but that affect the daily lives of every American. We talk a little bit about racism and anti-semitism, but rarely that 50 milion Americans are constantly worrying about whether they or their children will get enough to eat that day. Or whether tens of millions even think they can drink the water that comes out of their taps. Or whether they will have to sell their home to pay a family medical bill. Or whether they can afford to send one of their kids to college. Even if such things get mentioned on corporate media, they are rarely if ever described as defining trends in the United States. Ranked against other countries in the developed world the U.S. is at the bottom of almost every ranking. Literacy. Life Expectancy, incarceration, obesity, child mortality, wealth inequality, and on and on. These are facts. Then add to that the weaponization of misinformation. The problem is not democracy, it is the lack of democracy. And, instead of facing these realities, just a Biden did today, we tell ourselves we are the best. Yet sitting around their kitchen table everyone knows the truth of their own lives. I have been covering these facts in the SR podcasts, take a look. How are you going to like America’s democracy when you can’t get enough to eat, or to get your kid or mother the medical attention they need?

  • 28% are satisfied, down from the prior low of 35% after Jan. 6 Capitol riot
  • 38% of Democrats, 17% of Republicans are satisfied
  • Americans with less formal education are less satisfied

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A new low of 28% of U.S. adults are satisfied with the way democracy is working in the country. The current figure is down from the prior low — 35% measured shortly after the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol by rioters trying to prevent Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 presidential election.

Gallup has asked Americans about their satisfaction with U.S. democracy nine times since 1984. The high point came in the first reading, when 61% of Americans were satisfied with the way democracy was working. It was nearly as high, at 60%, in 1991.

However, Americans’ satisfaction showed signs of deterioration in 1992 — often referred to as the year of the “angry voter” — in the wake of an economic recession and congressional scandals exemplified by members writing scores of bad checks from the House bank. By […]

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Iowa school principal was shot trying to distract shooter so students could flee, his daughter says


I don’t think this High School tragedy even registered with many Americans, nor the bravery of Principal Dan Marburger. American schools are dangerous but these murders happen so frequently that the only thing that remains in people’s memories is that schools are dangerous. This is another reason citizens think so little of democracy.

Credit: KCCI Television

The principal of Iowa’s Perry High School tried to distract the teenage shooter who killed one student and injured seven others
on Thursday, his daughter said on social media. 

The shooting began early in the morning, before most students were at the school, officials said Thursday. Police received reports of the shooting at 7:37 a.m. and were on the site within seven minutes to find students and faculty sheltering in place and fleeing the building. 

One sixth-grader — later identified as 11-year-old Amir Jolliff, a student at Perry Middle School  — was killed, according to the Iowa Department of Public Safety. Four other students and three school staff members were injured, the agency said Friday. Officials had initially reported a total of five injured. 

Among those wounded was Perry High School Principal Dan Marburger, who remained hospitalized in critical condition Friday along with two other students, Iowa DPS said. 

The shooter, identified as 17-year-old Dylan Butler — a student at the high school — died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, authorities […]

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Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Must Recuse Himself From the Trump Cases


I think Ankush Khardori makes exactly the right statement of why Clarence Thomas should recuse himself. However, I think Thomas and the Supreme Court are so corrupt he won’t. I hope I am wrong. It would certainly bolster the Court’s reputation, which is very low.

Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, the most corrupt Supreme Court justice in living memory. Credit: Oliver Douliery / AP / Getty

Consider the following hypothetical: Suppose Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s husband happened to be a well-known crypto advocate and an early investor in Sam Bankman-Fried’s crypto exchange FTX. As you may have heard, the exchange collapsed, and SBF was recently convicted of criminal fraud; he intends to appeal. Now suppose that the case ends up before the Supreme Court.

Under those circumstances, is there any question that Justice Jackson would need to recuse herself from the case? After all, her husband could be either a co-conspirator or a victim. Either way, he — and she, by extension — has an interest in the outcome of the prosecution.

Clarence Thomas should recuse himself from reviewing the Justice Department’s prosecution of Donald Trump for trying to overturn the 2020 election, as well as this week’s Colorado state court ruling disqualifying Trump from appearing on […]

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SR Update


My computer was attacked in the night by a hacker, and the damage was so bad I have to get a new one. Right now the repair technician is trying to see whether the Time Machine was also attacked because, if so, I have lost 30 years of work.  This has become an increasing problem as MAGAts and other fascists who do not like the facts I find and publish attack SR. We had over 7,000 hacking attempts in 2023, and it has started again. Now they have attacked my personal computer. I apologizes for the interruption and hope to be back up and operating by Monday. 

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