When I began Schwartzreport my purpose was to produce an entirely fact-based daily publication in favor of the earth, the inter-connectedness and interdependence of all life, democracy, equality for all, liberty, and things that are life-affirming. Also, to warn my readers about actions, events, and trends that threaten those values. Our country now stands at a crossroads, indeed, the world stands at a crossroads where those values are very much at risk and it is up to each of us who care about wellbeing to do what we can to defend those principles. I want to thank all of you who have contributed to SR, particularly those of you who have scheduled an ongoing monthly contribution. It makes a big difference and is much appreciated. It is one thing to put in the hours each day and to do the work for free, but another to have to cover the rising out-of-pocket costs. For those of you who haven’t done so, but read SR regularly, I ask that you consider supporting it.

— Stephan


Schwartz Report Episode 52: Secrets of Happiness

Trump Is Guilty of Sedition and Must Be Brought to Justice

Stephan:  I completely agree with this. As I have watched what has happened since the election it has become clear to me that this is not a situation where one can just go on as if nothing had happened, as occurred with Nixon when Ford pardoned him. If democracy is to be preserved it can only happen if there is accountability, not only with Trump but with the orcs with whom he surrounds himself, as well as the 126 House Republicans who played their role in the madness of the last few weeks. If there is no accountability it is a confirmation that the president and other high-ranking government officials are simply above the law and can do as they wish; that is authoritarianism, not democracy.

The Signal: Trump is now talking the sedition talk on a daily basis, and, one has to assume, actively planning ways to walk the sedition walk over the next month. He is meeting regularly with Sidney Powell, Steve Bannon and other plotters, and daily he is being fed a diet of ever more extreme scenarios for overturning the election results. This is no idle chatter, and even if we had once been inclined to dismiss it with words to the effect of “Oh, it’s only the crazy old guy blowing off steam,” we no longer have that luxury. In increasingly specific language, Trump and his band of traitors are advocating some combination of martial law, national emergency, and paramilitarism as a way to cling to power.

Witness: On Friday, Trump reportedly argued, to the dismay of many of his top officials, that he should appoint Sidney Powell (of “Hugo Chávez stole the US election” fame) as a special counsel to investigate election fraud. That was, apparently, too nuts an idea even for Rudy Giuliani to stomach; it was also […]

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These 4 psychopathic personality traits are linked to racial prejudice, right-wing authoritarianism: study

Stephan:  It is time to face this difficult truth: The problem with America is Americans. My own view is that because 64% of Americans have never been outside the boundaries of the United States, a majority of Americans have no idea what happens when a nation sinks into authoritarianism. Not a clue. And that is coupled with a culture that has grown to see every person for himself as the norm, and profit as the only social priority. It is a form of mental illness, and the failure to recognize it, and address it, is literally destroying us. Only a massive financial and psychological restructuring of American culture is going to allow us to continue as a democracy, and create a society where fostering wellbeing is the systemic goal. For those interested in the primary research paper upon which this article is based: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0191886920305468  
American militia member

A new study published in the latest edition of “Personality and Individual Differences“highlights the relationship between psychopathic tendencies, pathological personality traits and prejudicial views. Research suggests people with “calloused, deceitful, and manipulative interpersonal styles” are more prone to align with the beliefs of right-wing authoritarianism, according to PsyPost.

Sandeep Roy, a doctoral candidate with a major-applied focus on clinical psychology at the University of North Texas, explained the correlation between the two.

“My interest in the relationship between pathological personality traits, such as those captured by psychopathy, and prejudicial tendencies originated from my experiences working with offenders in the Arizona correctional system prior to graduate school,” said Roy.

He added, “I noticed offenders who were elevated in psychopathic propensities, as measured by the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R; Hare, 2003), frequently used racial epithets to denigrate me and other staff. When I began studying this personality disorder more in my graduate training, I noticed a paucity of literature relating psychopathy to prejudice.”

Roy went on to explain what inspired his research as he noted […]

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Jesus according to AI

Stephan:  Boy did the picture of Jesus story I ran on Christmas stir up a lot of emails. A reader who is an internationally recognized professor of religious studies sent me this, and said it is generally recognized amongst scholars as the most accurate likely representation of Jesus. It certainly accords with my research and thinking. He also recommended, as does this article, for those who are interested in more scholarship on this issue,   Joan Taylor's book, What Did Jesus Look Like?  

Bas Uterwijk, Dutch artist, did something remarkable. He took a variety of artistic renditions of people who lived before the era of photography, including paintings, status, icons, and whatever else happens to be available. He fed those to an artificial intelligence program to see what emerged out of the combination and commonalities among them. The results are very striking. No one will be surprised that, however interesting the rendering of Vincent van Gogh might be, I was far more captivated by the way Jesus is depicted. You can see that image above.

Someone who shared the image on Facebook wondered whether the icon Christ Pantocrator of St. Catherine’s Monastery at Sinai was the or a main image used. When I saw it my first instinct was to wonder what the influences were, since I saw the image before I read about the artist’s method. Once I understood it, I too immediately began thinking of particular depictions of Jesus.

I am struck by the fact that, by allowing artificial intelligence to create a realistic human face based on some of our […]

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Microplastics revealed in the placentas of unborn babies

Stephan:  Here is the latest on plastic pollution and it is horrifying. Babies are being born with their bodies already polluted by microplastics in the womb. The implications of this trend seem to grow worse with each passing year, and yet few politicians seem willing to take on the corporations that make these plastics. I wonder what it will take to create the public pressure needed to force politicians to deal with this threat to the wellbeing of humans and other beings?
One charity said: ‘Babies are being born pre-polluted.’ Credit: Zffoto/Getty/iStockphoto

Microplastic particles have been revealed in the placentas of unborn babies for the first time, which the researchers said was “a matter of great concern”.

The health impact of microplastics in the body is as yet unknown. But the scientists said they could carry chemicals that could cause long-term damage or upset the foetus’s developing immune system. The particles are likely to have been consumed or breathed in by the mothers.

The particles were found in the placentas from four healthy women who had normal pregnancies and births. Microplastics were detected on both the foetal and maternal sides of the placenta and in the membrane within which the foetus develops.

A dozen plastic particles were found. Only about 4% of each placenta was analysed, however, suggesting the total number of microplastics was much higher. All the particles analysed were plastics that had been dyed blue, red, orange or pink and may have originally come from packaging, paints or cosmetics and personal care products.

The microplastics were mostly 10 microns in size (0.01mm), meaning they are […]

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Cruz and Graham working to block Biden from rejoining Paris climate and Iran nuclear deals

Stephan:  Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz, two Republican senators, and prominent Trump orcs are doing everything they can to keep the United States from addressing climate change, or creating a proper relationship between the U.S. and Iran. Thanks, Texas and South Carolina voters you are doing everything you can to degrade America's standing in the world, and cripple our nation's response to climate change. Have you no shame?
Republican Senator and Trump orc Ted Cruz. Credit: Jim Lo Scalzo/Getty

In an early example of the opposition and obstruction that President-elect Joe Biden is expected to face from right-wingers in Congress, Sens. Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham are already hard at work attempting to ensure that he cannot deliver on his campaign promises to return the United States to the Paris climate accord and Iran nuclear deal.

President Donald Trump made a big deal of ditching both international agreements that were finalized under the Obama administration, for which Biden served as vice president. Trump left the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), as the Iran deal is officially known, in May 2018, ignoring concerns that doing so could increase the chances of war — and despite the climate emergency, the U.S. formally exited Paris just after Election Day last month.

RealClear Politics revealed Tuesday the Cruz, R-Texas, who has acted as an ally to Trump during his presidency after intensely criticizing him ahead of the 2016 presidential election, is pushing the outgoing president and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to submit both deals to […]

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As Police Departments Outsource Officer Training to Save Money, Society May Be Paying the Price

Stephan:  Many people disgusted by the rampant police brutality are lobbying to cut the budget of the police and sheriff departments. I strongly disagree. In my opinion the current probems all stem from the kind of people hired, and the way they are trained. What I think needs to happen is that there has to be a very different approach to who departments hire, and those hired need to undergo a very different kind of training.  Norway would be the model I would look at.
Instructor Javier Sola teaches frisking and handcuffing methods to police recruits at the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission facility in Burien, Wash., on Thursday, Oct. 22, 2020. Washington State requires all new recruits to go through the state-run Basic Law Enforcement Academy, except for those becoming state patrol officers. Credit: Jovelle Tamayo/ TIME

Until Earl McGhee was hired in 2018, Dodge County, Wisconsin, had never had a Black sheriff’s deputy, so when the county sent him to a police academy at a local technical college, McGhee wasn’t all that surprised to be the only Black cadet in the class.

But a few weeks into the course, McGhee was stunned when the instructor used the N-word during a lecture. “Out of nowhere he looks me in the eyes and points his index finger directly at me” while uttering the slur, McGhee wrote in a statement to the school, the Madison Area Technical College, shortly after the Jan. 25, 2019, incident. “The entire class was looking at me.”

The instructor apologized the next day, but only after McGhee spoke up […]

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These are the police misconduct lawsuits the public hears little about

Stephan:  There is something seriously wrong with the way law enforcement officers are hired and trained. The rate of thuggery and murder under color of authority in the United States is greater than all the countries of Europe combined. Yet it seems almost impossible to have a rational national conversation about this trend.
Michele Hall at her parents’ house in the Pinecrest neighborhood of Miami. Hall won a settlement from the District of Columbia as the result of a lawsuit against police officers for alleged misconduct. Credit: Angel Valentin/The Washington Post

A Black woman received $150,000 after alleging a police officer yanked her from a public restroom and forced her onto the sidewalk in handcuffs while investigating a reported theft.

A computer engineer, who is also Black, got $192,000 after officers — mistaking him for a robbery suspect — beat him so severely on his front lawn that he was hospitalized.

Five other Black men collecteda total of $116,000 after suing the same officer for assault and violating their civil rights as he cleared sidewalks in a gentrifying neighborhood. In one case, a video showed the officer sitting on a man’s chest and showering him with pepper spray after punching him in the face six times.

Over the past five years, the D.C. government has spent millions of dollars settling dozens of police misconduct lawsuits — settlements that, even as officers acknowledge no wrongdoing, documenta trail of nonfatal […]

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EV Charging Stations Critical As European EV Sales Fly High

Stephan:  The European nations, like many Asian nations, are committed to making the transition out of the carbon energy era and are creating policies to make this happen. But it is turning out to be more complicated than many thought. What they are learning is that to make the transition work there must also be a concurrent well-thought out and financed national program to create the charging infrastructure to maintain electric vehicles. Hopefully, the Biden administration will reverse the Trump bias in support of carbon energy, and will get the United States back on track with the rest of the developed world and, because of our nation's size, it is going to require a nationwide program. What comes to mind for me is something on the order of President Eisenhower's national program to create the interstate highway system.

Electric vehicle sales are soaring in Europe — in November, plug-in vehicles accounted for 16% of the overall auto market in the UK, over 20% in Germany, and an oil-slaying 80% in Norway. However, a lack of charging infrastructure threatens to spoil the party. According to a new report by the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA), the availability of charging infrastructure in the EU still falls far below what is needed and remains unevenly distributed across member states.

The second edition of “Making the Transition to Zero-Emission Mobility,” an annual study of EV adoption in Europe, reports that sales of plug-in vehicles in the EU increased by 110% over the past three years. During the same period, however, the number of charging points grew by just 58% (to under 200,000).

“This is potentially dangerous, as we could soon reach a point where growth of electric vehicle uptake stalls if consumers conclude there are simply not enough charging points where they need to travel, or that they have to queue too long […]

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