When I began Schwartzreport my purpose was to produce an entirely fact-based daily publication in favor of the earth, the inter-connectedness and interdependence of all life, democracy, equality for all, liberty, and things that are life-affirming. Also, to warn my readers about actions, events, and trends that threaten those values. Our country now stands at a crossroads, indeed, the world stands at a crossroads where those values are very much at risk and it is up to each of us who care about wellbeing to do what we can to defend those principles. I want to thank all of you who have contributed to SR, particularly those of you who have scheduled an ongoing monthly contribution. It makes a big difference and is much appreciated. It is one thing to put in the hours each day and to do the work for free, but another to have to cover the rising out-of-pocket costs. For those of you who haven’t done so, but read SR regularly, I ask that you consider supporting it.

— Stephan


Schwartz Report Episode 52: Secrets of Happiness

How Cities Lost Control of Police Discipline

Stephan:  Here is a good exegetic report on the police situation in cities all over the country. It is unacceptable in a democratic republic.
The Portland police have been accused of using excessive force during protests this year. Credit: Diana Zeyneb Alhindawi/The New York Times

It took Portland, Ore., almost $1 million in legal fees, efforts by two mayors and a police chief, and years of battle with the police union to defend the firing of Officer Ron Frashour — only to have to bring him back. Today, the veteran white officer, who shot an unarmed Black man in the back a decade ago, is still on the force.

Sam Adams, the former mayor of Portland, said the frustrated disciplinary effort showed “how little control we had” over the police. “This was as bad a part of government as I’d ever seen. The government gets to kill someone and get away with it.”

After the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis officers in May spurred huge protests and calls for a nationwide reset on law enforcement, police departments are facing new state laws, ballot proposals and procedures to rein in abusive officers. Portland and other cities have hired new chiefs and are […]

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Trump Pardons Two Russia Inquiry Figures and Blackwater Guards

Stephan:  The worst president in American history is using his final days to try to rewrite the history of the Mueller probe. He is also pardoning crooked corrupt Republican congressmen who supported him, and doing a favor for his friend and supporter and Education Secretary Betsy De Vos' brother, Erik Prince, by pardoning the four killers who worked for him, and randomly murdered 17 Iraqi civilians, including a mother walking down the street with her infant in her arms just because they were pissed off. I am sure this is only the beginning of Trump giving his middle finger to American justice.

In an audacious pre-Christmas round of pardons, President Trump granted clemency on Tuesday to two people convicted in the special counsel’s Russia inquiry, four Blackwater guards convicted in connection with the killing of Iraqi civilians and three corrupt former Republican members of Congress.

It was a remarkable assertion of pardon power by a president who has disputed his loss in the election and might be only the start of more to come in the final weeks before he leaves office on Jan. 20.

Mr. Trump nullified more of the legal consequences of an investigation into his 2016 campaign that he long labeled a hoax. He granted clemency to contractors whose actions in Iraq set off an international uproar and helped turn public opinion further against the war there. And he pardoned three members of his party who had become high-profile examples of public corruption.

Among those pardoned was George Papadopoulos, who was a foreign policy adviser to Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign and who pleaded guilty in 2017 to making false statements to federal officials as part of the investigation by the special […]

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Congress passes ‘pathetic’ COVID relief bill with billions in gifts for the wealthy

Stephan:  As I write this it looks like even this shabby bill to help Americans may not come to anything because Trump claims he will veto it. But what is clear is that Mitch McConnell rigged this bill so that a few crumbs go to ordinary Americans, and wonderful deals go to Republican rich individuals, and corporate sponsors of the party.  The United States has become a banana republic without the bananas, corrupt and rigged to favor the rich.
Senate Majority Leader Republican Senator Mitch McConnell

In late-night votes just hours after nearly 5,600 pages of legislative text were released, the U.S. Congress on Monday night approved trillions of dollars worth of government funding and coronavirus relief that will temporarily avert a catastrophic expiration of key benefits, send $600 direct payments to many Americans, and provide billions of dollars in handouts to the rich.

The entire Senate Democratic caucus and every Republican but six voted for the roughly $900 billion coronavirus relief legislation, which was paired with a $1.4 trillion spending package that will fund the federal government through next September. Just two House Democrats—Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii)—voted against the coronavirus relief portion of the sprawling package (pdf), which President Donald Trump is expected to sign.

“I voted against the latest Covid-19 relief legislation because it is woefully inadequate in addressing the needs of people,” Tlaib said in a statement late Monday. “I have watched as many of my colleagues […]

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Covid-19 Relief Bill Doubles Health Care Budget – For Congress

Stephan:  You don't count, the Congress has next to nothing for you and your family in terms of healthcare. Ah, but for themselves, it is a very different story, as this article spells out.
Mike Pence gets his vaccination. Of course, Congress made sure that they were first recipients of the Covid vaccine

In a flurry of last-minute legislating over coronavirus relief, congressional leaders abandoned hazard pay for essential workers and emergency funding for local governments that may be on the brink of municipal bankruptcy.

But lawmakers did find funding to dramatically increase the budget for the exclusive government-run health clinic that serves Congress. 

The Office of Attending Physician, which provides medical services to lawmakers, received a special boost of $5 million, more than doubling its annual budget, which is currently around $4.27 million.

The increase in funding to the OAP, if passed, is the third budget hike Congress has provided to its own health clinic over the last year. The 2019 omnibus provided an increase in funding to the OAP, along with the CARES Act, which passed this past March. 

The OAP, described as “some of the country’s best and most efficient government-run health care,” employs several physicians and nurses to provide on-call treatment to legislators on Capitol Hill. The new funding is justified by new services required for confronting the […]

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The U.S. Postal Service Remains in Peril

Stephan:  Having trouble getting Christmas gifts to family and friends on time; not getting the Christmas cards friends sent you? Well, you can thank Louis DeJoy, Trump, and the Republicans in Congress for that.
A USPS worker delivers mail in Weehawken, New Jersey on Dec. 17
 Credit: Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu Agency/Getty

In early November, after news organizations called the Presidential race for Joe Biden, throngs of revelers poured into the streets, where they cheered not only for the new President-elect, but for the United States Postal Service (USPS), which had overcome enormous obstacles to deliver mail-in ballots largely on time amidst a raging global pandemic. Shouts of “USPS” erupted in New York City and a child dressed as a USPS mailbox danced in the streets of Oakland, California.

In the weeks leading up to the election, U.S. Postal workers had worked around the clock, often risking their personal safety, to sift through mail-in ballots, trying to reassure voters that, despite President Trump’s attacks on their agency, voting by mail was safe, secure, and wouldn’t lead to accidental disenfranchisement. When those fears never materialized, the Postal Service’s performance was saluted, with relief.

But as the Presidential election has faded in the rearview mirror, the underlying issues that stoked anxiety about the efficacy of the USPS remain—even as the […]

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The failure of conservative politics to foster wellbeing

Stephan:  Republican governance on the basis of social outcome facts is always inferior. Here are the facts.
Red State/Blue State map

For the past 15 years I have published in Explore I have tried to make the point that social values determine social outcomes, based on objective quantifiable social outcome data. And that on the basis of that data, it is clear that when forming social policy the best option is always the one that is the most compassionate, life-affirming and fostering of wellbeing. That option proves always easier to implement than the alternatives: more productive, more efficient, nicer to live under, longer enduring, and much much cheaper.1

I know this is going to be controversial, but I want to talk about a second point this data teaches, a trend that is shaping the United States in many ways. It’s components are frequently discussed, but the over-arching trend is rarely mentioned. I am speaking here of the objectively verified failure of conservative social policies to foster wellbeing. Where conservative social policies prevail, Americans, men, women, children, regardless of race or gender, are less healthy and have shorter more miserable lives than […]

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What All the Secession Talk Really Means

Stephan:  More and more I am seeing comments from Republicans advocating secession. I don't believe for a minute, as this article confirms, that what they actually want is to split up the U.S.. For one thing, Republican governance is so inferior that the Red value states could not function if they were not underwritten by the Blue value states. For every dollar a Blue state puts into the treasury it takes out less than a dollar in federal benefits. For every dollar a Red state puts in they take out more than a dollar. The difference is the amount the Blue states underwrite the Red states. What the Red states do want is a christofascist authoritarian government in which White men are always in command.
The Republican drive for Secession

As MAGA World’s hopes for an election redo have slipped away, an equally improbable idea has begun to percolate among Donald Trump’s most bitterly disappointed followers: secession.

Texas GOP chair Allen West floated the idea of a new union of “law-abiding states,” and Texas State Rep. Kyle Biedermann—previously best known for dressing up as “gay Hitler”—pledged to file a bill in Austin to put the question of Texas secession to voters. Rep. Randy Weber also posted pro-secession material on his Facebook page, becoming the first official in Washington to advocate for disintegrating the U.S. Trump’s most reliable media supporters have likewise spread the idea nationally. Rush Limbaugh, recent recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, this month claimed the country was suddenly “trending toward secession.” Fellow arch-conspiracist Glenn Beck echoed the argument a few days later, as did a raft of blue-check authoritarians. American militias have now begun picking up the scent; one just the other day 

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Heavily Armed Far-Right Mob Floods Oregon Capitol

Stephan:  I am seeing more and more stories about right-wing militia thugs, the modern American equivalent of Hitler's Brown Shirts, stirred up by Trump, coming out of their sewers to threaten democracy. Here is the latest story from this trend, this one from Oregon.
Oregon militia thugs

SALEM, OREGON — A group of about 300 demonstrators attempted to force their way into two separate entrances of the Oregon State Capitol on Monday, outraged lawmakers were holding a special session closed to the public.

The crowd was a loose collection of members of the Proud BoysPatriot Prayer and other far-right groups, many of them are armed with pistols and rifles. At one point during the demonstration, which began around 9 a.m., a woman tried to climb in a window on the west side of the government building. Oregon State Troopers, however, repelled her—before two more troopers showed up to insist that she get off the ledge.

Those troopers were quickly chased off by screaming protesters, many of them toting long black rifles.

Minutes later, the crowd moved to the building’s north entrance and attempted to push their way in. A dozen more troopers arrived at the door, declared it an unlawful assembly, and pushed the crowd back, using some kind of deterrent in a series of “pop” sounds, at which point the […]

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