When I began Schwartzreport my purpose was to produce an entirely fact-based daily publication in favor of the earth, the inter-connectedness and interdependence of all life, democracy, equality for all, liberty, and things that are life-affirming. Also, to warn my readers about actions, events, and trends that threaten those values. Our country now stands at a crossroads, indeed, the world stands at a crossroads where those values are very much at risk and it is up to each of us who care about wellbeing to do what we can to defend those principles. I want to thank all of you who have contributed to SR, particularly those of you who have scheduled an ongoing monthly contribution. It makes a big difference and is much appreciated. It is one thing to put in the hours each day and to do the work for free, but another to have to cover the rising out-of-pocket costs. For those of you who haven’t done so, but read SR regularly, I ask that you consider supporting it.

— Stephan


Schwartz Report Episode 52: Secrets of Happiness

The rich are getting richer and everyone else is getting poorer. That is exactly the plan

Stephan:  The ordinary voter folk who make up Trumper world seem to be so driven by their racism, fear, the dimness of their thinking that they don’t see what Trump and the Republicans have been doing. As a result of 40 years of Republican fiscal policies, the United States leads the world in wealth inequality. All those Trumpers have had their lives degraded as a result of these policies, but seem unable to recognize that this is not a random occurrence but an intentionally contrived reality.
Credit: Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

The reason everybody is so angst-ridden about the economy is because we all have the wrong idea about what it is supposed to do and how it’s supposed to work.

Most of us have a quaint, 19th century idea about free markets and all that up-by-the-bootstraps Horatio Alger stuff. You know, work hard, play by the rules, keep your nose clean, and you’ll do well. That is certainly the cultural myth our society bathes us in.

But that’s not how things actually work. It’s the dissonance between how we imagine things work and how they really work that causes our perplexity and angst, and rage. It is also that dissonance that has been so deftly manipulated by Donald Trump and given rise to Trumpism.

Forty years ago, around 1980, the uber-wealthy decided they wanted to get their money out of the economy. There was too much political turmoil (Vietnam, Watergate), too much economic turbulence (Arab oil embargos, stagflation), and too high of a cost of production (high wages, environmental and labor protections).

They wanted to take […]

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After $1.5 Trillion Tax Cut for Rich, Trump Backs GOP Pay Freeze for Federal Workers as Pandemic Rages

Stephan:  My readers know I deal in data not the usual political ideologies. My position on everything I post I hope is evident and clear. What I care about is fostering wellbeing at every level from humans to the planet itself. And here is the latest of the many proofs I have published about wealth inequality being a Republican intentional feature not a flaw.
Members and supporters of the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) participate in a protest in the Hart Senate Office Building Atrium on February 11, 2020 in Washington, D.C. Credit: Sarah Silbiger/Getty

After fattening the pockets of wealthy Americans and big corporations with tax cuts and deregulation during his four years in the White House, President Donald Trump is ramping up his assault on workers on his way out the door by backing the Senate GOP’s attempt to freeze the pay of civilian federal employees in 2021.

In a letter (pdf) earlier this week to Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), the chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Trump’s budget director said that the White House “supports the policy in the bill to maintain for 2021 the current level of federal civilian employee pay,” pointing to “budgetary constraints and recent, pandemic-related impacts on non-federal labor markets.”

The letter by Russ Vought, director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), was sent around three weeks after Republicans on the Senate Appropriations Committee proposed freezing the pay of federal workers in 2021 as part of their omnibus spending package.

The […]

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DOJ to Appeal Judge’s Injunction Against ‘Cruel, Unprecedented Policy’ of Deporting Migrant Children

Stephan:  It is my belief that Trump, Barr, and every member DOJ,  ICE and the Border Patrol who participated in this infamy should be taken to the Hague and tried for crimes against humanity. You probably noticed the recent story that they had contact information for the over 600 kids not returned to their families, when they knew how to get in touch with them and lied about it. I see this as quite apart from the simple financial Trumpian crimes. This and the failure to deal appropriately with the Covid-19 pandemic, constitute the most egregious humanitarian crimes ever committed by a president and his administration. If you read this in a novel it would be described as torture and mass murder, because that's what it is.

A week after a federal judge issued a preliminary injunction against a Trump administration directive ordering it to stop deporting unaccompanied children under the pretext of preventing the spread of the coronavirus, the U.S. Justice Department on Wednesday night filed a notice to appeal to a higher court. 

“There is no basis for allowing this cruel, unprecedented policy to take effect, given the harm that these young children would face if sent back.”
—Lee Gelernt, ACLU

The Associated Press reports the Justice Department asserted the November 18 injunction by U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan “likely will have an irreversible impact on public health” by straining the ability of hospitals and other medical facilities and personnel to adequately manage the worsening coronavirus pandemic. Citing spiking Covid-19 cases in border communities in Arizona and Texas, the DOJ warned of the potential risks of transporting “potentially infected” children through airports and other transit hubs. 

Sullivan’s injunction involved Title 42, which the Trump administration unsuccessfully argued allows for the removal of non-U.S. citizens who carry diseases. Sullivan ruled that while Title 42 allows the government to deny such people entry into the country, it does not provide for their expulsion. Stephen Miller, a senior […]

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Rudy Giuliani’s star election fraud witness recently got off probation for “computer crime”: report

Stephan:  When you have no ethics or morals yourself, only people who also lack morals and ethics will work with you. That is one of the major takeaways I have from the Trumpian years.  Here is the latest proof of this axiom. It is criminality raised to the level of buffoonery.
Melissa Carone, who was working for Dominion Voting Services, speaks in front of the Michigan House Oversight Committee in Lansing, Michigan on December 2, 2020. – The president’s attorneys, led by Rudy Giuliani, have made numerous allegations of election fraud. Credit: Jeff Kowalsky/AFP/Getty

A star witness in President Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 election just recently got off probation for committing a “computer crime,” the Daily Mail reports.

Mellissa Carone was sentenced to 12 months probation in September of 2019 for the crime which took place the year before. Carone struck a deal with prosecutors who dropped a first-degree obscenity charge against her.

Carone became a viral story after she appeared as a key witness in the Trump campaign’s Michigan voter fraud claims.

Everything that happened at that TCF Center was fraud,” she said, when appearing on December 2 in front of a Michigan House oversight committee. “Every single thing.”

“I have 19 things in my affidavit. I was at the TCF Center for 27 hours. I am a mother, I have two children, and I have […]

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Lewandowski, Bossie added to Pentagon advisory board after latest purge

Stephan:  And here, in this situation, we have another proof.  It is Trump's consistency, the people he picks, and the beingness of the people themselves that makes the case.
Corey Lewandowski Credit: New York Magazine

Top Trump allies Corey Lewandowski and David Bossie are among nine new members of a Pentagon advisory board installed after the administration fired the previous members.

The purge at the Defense Business Board, which provides Pentagon leaders with outside advice on business management issues, was first reported Friday by Politico.

It is the latest shake-up at the Department of Defense (DOD) following President Trump’s loss to President-elect Joe Biden in November’s election.

“I’m proud to welcome each of these new members to the Defense Business Board and I look forward to their contributions to help guide the Department’s business efforts in the coming years,” acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller, whose installation kicked off the Pentagon shake-up, said in a statement Friday. “These individuals have a proven record of achievement within their respective fields and have demonstrated leadership that will serve our Department, and our nation well.”

Lewandowski served as the president’s campaign manager for part of his 2016 White House bid and joined the 2020 campaign as a senior adviser.

Bossie was a deputy campaign manager in 2016 and […]

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The Supreme Court Is Colliding With a Less-Religious America

Stephan:  It is going to be very interesting to watch what happens with the Supreme Court. Trump has appointed three christofascists including an outright cultist in Associate Justice Barrett. So the court is becoming christofascist while the country is becoming less religious, and White Christians a dwindling minority. The House already is beginning to reflect this new demographic reality. These two institutions are moving in very different culture directions.
The New England Crusade for Religious Freedom rallies in Boston’s City Hall Plaza in 1984. Credit: Ted Gartland / AP

The Supreme Court’s decision last week overturning New York State’s limits on religious gatherings during the COVID-19 outbreak previewed what will likely become one of the coming decade’s defining collisions between law and demography.

The ruling continued the conservative majority’s sustained drive to provide religious organizations more leeway to claim exemptions from civil laws on the grounds of protecting “religious liberty.” These cases have become a top priority for conservative religious groups, usually led by white Christians and sometimes joined by other religiously traditional denominations. In this case, Orthodox Jewish synagogues allied with the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn to oppose New York’s restrictions on religious services.

But this legal offensive to elevate “religious liberty” over other civic goals is coming even as the share of Americans who ascribe to no religious faith is steadily rising, and as white Christians have fallen to a minority share of the population.

That contrast increases the likelihood of a GOP-appointed Court majority sympathetic to the most conservative […]

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Pentagon blocks visits to military spy agencies by Biden transition team

Stephan:  Here is the latest in Trump's attempt to both sabotage Biden, but also to carry out what is obviously some kind of secret plan to affect national security.  Personally, I think it is all an attempt to destroy the records of the secret dealings Trump had with the Russians, Turkey and other authoritarian governments where Trump has personal financial interests.
The Pentagon is pictured on Oct. 9, 2020. It lies in Arlington, Va., across the Potomac River from Washington. Credit: Carlos Barria/Reuters

The Trump administration has refused to allow members of President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team to meet with officials at U.S. intelligence agencies that are controlled by the Pentagon, undermining prospects for a smooth transfer of power, current and former U.S. officials said.

The officials said the Biden team has not been able to engage with leaders at the National Security Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency and other military-run spy services with classified budgets and global espionage platforms.

The Defense Department rejected requests from the Biden team this week, the officials said, despite a General Services Administration decision Nov. 23 clearing the way for federal agencies to meet with representatives of the incoming administration.

The delays came even as Biden advisers spent much of this week meeting with officials at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the CIA, intelligence agencies that are independent of the Defense Department.

But Pentagon officials said their agency was taking steps required to provide […]

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Study Shows Focusing on Wellbeing Boosts Employee Performance. Here’s Why

Stephan:  Here is yet another proof that fostering wellbeing is more efficient, more productive, easier to implement, nicer to live under, and much much cheaper.
Happy worker Credit: Getty

For many companies, their bottom line is–well–the bottom line, and rightfully so, especially during this pandemic. But what research shows us is that there is tremendous value in ensuring employees are well supported throughout challenging times, and it’s not just about good benefits.  

Gallup research has found that people thriving in the five elements of wellbeing–career, social, financial, physical, and community–are better employees. Career wellbeing is defined as liking what you do each day and being motivated to achieve your goals; physical wellbeing comprises having good health and enough energy to get things done daily; social wellbeing means having supportive relationships and love in your life; community wellbeing is liking where you live, feeling safe and having pride in your community; and financial wellbeing centers on managing your economic life to reduce stress and increase security. 

Gallup’s research has established that wellbeing is about much more than just physical wellness or happiness. Here are four ways employees thriving in all five elements of wellbeing demonstrate better performance. 

They Rebound Better Following Adversity  

Employees whose wellbeing is properly maintained are 36 percent more likely to report a full recovery after an illness, injury, or hardship. According to the American […]

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