When I began Schwartzreport my purpose was to produce an entirely fact-based daily publication in favor of the earth, the inter-connectedness and interdependence of all life, democracy, equality for all, liberty, and things that are life-affirming. Also, to warn my readers about actions, events, and trends that threaten those values. Our country now stands at a crossroads, indeed, the world stands at a crossroads where those values are very much at risk and it is up to each of us who care about wellbeing to do what we can to defend those principles. I want to thank all of you who have contributed to SR, particularly those of you who have scheduled an ongoing monthly contribution. It makes a big difference and is much appreciated. It is one thing to put in the hours each day and to do the work for free, but another to have to cover the rising out-of-pocket costs. For those of you who haven’t done so, but read SR regularly, I ask that you consider supporting it.

— Stephan


Schwartz Report Episode 52: Secrets of Happiness

Scientists Just Updated One of the Most Important Climate Metrics, and It’s Bad

Stephan:  Another example of Schwartz' Law of Climate Change which says new research will always reveal that the effects will be worse than previously predicted, and they will occur sooner than previously predicted. In this case it is the rise of temperature. We may be consumed with the disastrous mismanagement by Trump of the Covid-19 pandemic, but beneath that like the threatening bass line in a movie sound track, is climate change, and this new study tells us it is happening faster than previously predicted, and it is going to be much worse than previously considered.
A Cal Fire firefighter battles the Camp Fire in 2018. Global warming makes deadly and destructive wildfires more likely.
Credit: Justin Sullivan (Getty

We know the planet is getting hot. Just how hot it will get is one of the biggest questions of the 21st century, tying up the fate of humanity and the biosphere in one neat hand basket to hell.

A 166-page study out today aims to help improve our understanding of how hot it will get by refining one of the most important metrics in climate science—what one researcher who worked on the paper dubbed the “holy grail” of research. The findings unfortunately show the best-case scenario is exceedingly unlikely, and heating will probably clock in on the higher end of previous estimates.

The metric scientists looked at in this massive paper, published Wednesday in Reviews of Geophysics, is something called climate sensitivity. It refers to how much the planet would heat up if we doubled the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere compared to pre-industrial levels. That sounds like a simple thing to solve for, […]

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New Blood Test Can Detect Cancer 4 Years Before Symptoms

Stephan:  Here, I hope is some good news about cancer detection at a much earlier date.

Cancer survival rates dramatically increase when the disease is caught early, but there has not been an effective, non-invasive test that will detect most types of cancer early.

Now, an international team of researchers has developed a blood test that can diagnose certain cancers years before symptoms occur.

“What we showed is: up to four years before these people walk into the hospital, there are already signatures in their blood that show they have cancer,” study coauthor and University of California bioengineer Kun Zhang told Scientific American. “That’s never been done before.”

The test is part of a larger effort to create a “liquid biopsy” for early cancer detection, The Guardian explained. While other studies have reported positive results for blood tests that detect cancer relatively early, few can detect it before any symptoms develop.

But the new test, called PanSeer, detected cancer in 95 percent of asymptomatic patients who went on to receive a diagnosis.

The study, published in Nature Communications Tuesday, is also unique because of how the test was developed, Scientific […]

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U.S. citizens no longer have access to most of the world — the global South never had it

Stephan:  Forty percent of Americans have never been outside the boundaries of the United States and don't hold passports. Thirteen percent report they have never been aboard a plane. Eleven percent have never been outside of their home state. So maybe that is why this is not a bigger story. But isn't it ironic? A president who does not understand the importance of immigrants to American history and culture, and who has made blocking entrance into the United States a leitmotif of his administration. And the social outcome? Because of his incompetence in handling the Covid-19 pandemic it is we, Americans, who have become the pariahs, blocked from entry into countries we want to enter. It's like a story from Greek mythology.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread around the United States, Americans have joined the ranks of people whose passports are viewed with suspicion by the rest of the world. 
Credit: Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press

Americans used to have one of the most prized passports in the world, considered a golden ticket to wealth, travel and opportunity.  

With an American passport in your bag, you could arrive at the doors of 185 countries and get visa-free entry. No big questions —  just business or pleasure? 

But with the onset of COVID-19, Americans are limited to just 28 countries, mostly in the Caribbean and Eastern Europe. That number drops if you exclude countries that require a two-week quarantine, such as the the United Kingdom or South Korea.

On July 18, the European Union renewed its recommendation that U.S. residents be banned from entry to any member-states. The same day, Canada confirmed the U.S. border would remain closed to non-essential travel for another month.

More than 3.5 million U.S. residents have caught COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic, and […]

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Matt Gaetz appears to run afoul of House ethics rules

Stephan:  There is a story like this almost every day. I really wonder if it is possible to be an ethical person and a Republican? But the bigger question is why do Americans put people like this into public office?
Rep. Matt Gaetz’s latest actions suggest a broader pattern by the second-term lawmaker of pushing the bounds of — if not outright defying — restrictions.
Credit: Drew Angerer/Getty 

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz has privately engaged in several spending practices in his nearly four years in office that appear to be in conflict with the House’s ethics rules, a POLITICO investigation has found.

Gaetz, a close ally of President Donald Trump from the Florida Panhandle, improperly sent tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars to a limited liability company linked to a speech-writing consultant who was ousted from the Trump administration, in direct conflict with House rules.

In another possible violation, a private company installed a television studio in his father’s home in Niceville, Fla., which Gaetz uses when he appears on television. Taxpayers foot the bill to rent the television camera, and the private company that built the studio — which Gaetz refuses to identify — takes a fee each time he appears on air, his office said. It’s unclear how much it cost the private company to construct […]

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Democrats warn the FBI that a GOP senator is ‘laundering’ a foreign operation to attack Biden: report

Stephan:  I am not sure that it is possible to be an honest and ethical person and a Republican official. Certainly, honorable behavior is not the hallmark of Wisconsin's Republican senator Ron Johnson.  And once again we see a foreign government using the Republican Party to rig an American election.
Wisconsin Republican Senator Ron Johnson

On Monday, Politico reported that Democratic congressional leaders have sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray demanding a briefing on foreign efforts to target members of Congress as part of an influence campaign.

“Among the Democrats’ concerns is that a Senate investigation being led by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) has become a vehicle for ‘laundering’ a foreign influence campaign to damageDemocratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, according to two people familiar with the demand,” reported Natasha Bertrand. “Though the letter did not mention the Johnson investigation, it included a classified addendum that the two sources say identified the probe as one of the sources of their concern.”

The letter was signed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA), and Senate Intelligence Committee ranking member Mark Warner (D-VA).Defend democracy. Click to invest in courageous progressive journalism today.

Johnson, who chairs the Senate Homeland Security Committee, opened the investigation ostensibly to audit the origins of the Russia investigation in the previous […]

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Trump administration weighs a show of force in more cities

Stephan:  As I told you, and as John Alexander laid out in his essay, this is classic fascism, and Portland was just a test case designed to see how much pushback there would be if Trump created secret national storm troopers.  At the local and state level there has been a lot of pushback but with the exception of Rand Paul, from the Republican senate and Moscow Mitch, it has been crickets. So Portland is going to be just the beginning.
Trumpian storm troopers in gear, on the streets of an American city, Portland
Credit: Nathan Howard/Getty

Portland may just be the beginning.

Federal law enforcement agencies are gearing up to expand their footprint nationwide in the coming weeks, despite concerns about the recent scenes of violence and chaos in Oregon.

Department of Homeland Security officials have considered deploying mobile field forces to protect federal property in cities around the country that experience unrest, two people familiar with the discussions told POLITICO. And the Department of Justice is planning to expand “Operation Legend,” a law enforcement initiative launched by Attorney General Bill Barr earlier this month to fight “the sudden surge of violent crime” in Kansas City, Mo.

DOJ plans to announce this week that the operation, which involves agents from the FBI and the Drug Enforcement Administration, will expand into more cities, a DOJ official told POLITICO. “We are seeing success in our Kansas City operation and have already arrested some wanted fugitives,” the DOJ official said.

The discussions have followed weeks of clashes between federal agents and protesters in Portland, which […]

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Trump ‘pressured his ambassador Woody Johnson to ask the UK government to help move the British Open to his Turnberry golf resort in Scotland’ – despite ‘ban’ by tournament organizers

Stephan:  With Donald Trump everything is a grift, and the point of being president is to use that authority to enrich yourself and your family. This must be the 100th story I have done about Trump and his grifts; there is no precedent for this level of presidential criminality in 244 years of American history.
Trump is pictured at his Trump International Golf Links course in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, on July 10, 2012. That club is said to be operating at a loss as well as Turnberry and one in Ireland
Credit: AFP/Getty
  • Trump reportedly tried to get the US ambassador to the UK to arrange for the British Open to be held at his Turnberry golf resort in Scotland 
  • New York Jets owner Woody Johnson IV reportedly asked the secretary of state for Scotland, David Mundell, in 2018, after pressure from Trump 
  • It was after in 2017 a Scottish Open sponsor said: ‘Politics aside, Trump would be an ideal venue — but you can’t put politics aside’ 
  • Under the Constitution, a president is not allowed to benefit from gifts or profit from foreign governments
  • Experts on ethics say he may have profited from the government having to pay for security at the event 
  • Johnson’s deputy Lewis A. Lukens emailed colleagues about what had happened and says he was forced out of his deputy role a few months later in 2019
  • The British government told the Times in a statement that Johnson ‘made no […]
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Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder arrested in $60 million bribery case

Stephan:  Larry Householder, the Speaker of the House in the Ohio legislature, is a conservative "Christian" (I have to put that in quotes because these people have nothing to do with Jesus' teachings) and a Republican. Do you think when Republicans are looking for someone to run for public office that being a corrupt grifter is one of the secret qualifications? Or does it just work out that way because the pool of people who proclaim themselves conservative "Christians" just run to that orientation?
Ohio Speaker Larry Householder, of course a Republican, charged with racketeering
Credit: Wall Street Journal

Federal agents arrested Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder and four others Tuesday as part of a $60 million racketeering and bribery investigation that prosecutors described as one of the largest public corruption cases in Ohio history.

All the charges are tied to what federal prosecutors said was a criminal enterprise dedicated to securing a bailout for two nuclear power plants in northern Ohio owned by FirstEnergy Solutions of Akron. The bailout is expected to cost the state’s utility ratepayers $1 billion.

criminal complaint unsealed Tuesday described the effort as “Householder’s Enterprise” and stated that he and his associates secretly used money from an energy company to expand their political power, enrich themselves and conceal their criminal conspiracy.

“This is likely the largest bribery, money laundering scheme ever perpetrated against the people of the state of Ohio,” said U.S. Attorney David DeVillers, whose office will lead the prosecution of the case. “This was bribery, plain and simple. This was a quid pro quo. This was pay to play.”

Also charged Tuesday were […]

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