When I began Schwartzreport my purpose was to produce an entirely fact-based daily publication in favor of the earth, the inter-connectedness and interdependence of all life, democracy, equality for all, liberty, and things that are life-affirming. Also, to warn my readers about actions, events, and trends that threaten those values. Our country now stands at a crossroads, indeed, the world stands at a crossroads where those values are very much at risk and it is up to each of us who care about wellbeing to do what we can to defend those principles. I want to thank all of you who have contributed to SR, particularly those of you who have scheduled an ongoing monthly contribution. It makes a big difference and is much appreciated. It is one thing to put in the hours each day and to do the work for free, but another to have to cover the rising out-of-pocket costs. For those of you who haven’t done so, but read SR regularly, I ask that you consider supporting it.

— Stephan


Schwartz Report Episode 52: Secrets of Happiness

Pyramids Discovered Under Water Off Coast of Cuba, Might be Atlantis

Stephan:  This is a fascinating new discovery, one of several recent sites discovered on deep under the sea. It is not Atlantis, at least not the Atlantis of the Theosophists, Edgar Cayce, or Rudolf Steiner, although is close to where Cayce placed Atlantis.  But it will reveal whole new chapters of Human history. I particularly want to point out something not really focused on in this piece. This site is estimated to be 1968 feet to 2296 feet beneath the ocean surface. For that to be true there had to have been a massive shift in the tectonic plates and, I think, we should take that as a cautionary warning of what can happen, because it has happened. As the ice of Greenland, and the poles melt millions of tons of weight on the plates beneath that ice will vanish. No one has any real idea what that could mean.
Underwater archaeological complex off the coast of Cuba

The remains of what may be a 6000-year-old city immersed in deep waters off the west coast of Cuba was discovered by a team of Canadian and Cuban researchers.

Offshore engineer Paulina Zelitsky and her husband, Paul Weinzweig and her son Ernesto Tapanes used sophisticated sonar and video videotape devices to find “some kind of megaliths you ‘d find on Stonehenge or Easter Island,” Weinzweig said in an interview.

“Some structures within the complex may be as long as 400 meters wide and as high as 40 meters,” he said. “Some are sitting on top of each other. They show very distinct shapes and symmetrical designs of a non-natural kind. We’ve shown them to scientists in Cuba, the U.S., and elsewhere, and nobody has suggested they are natural.”

Map showing the location of the supposed ancient city discovered by Paul Weinzweig and Pauline Zalitzki.

Moreover, an anthropologist affiliated with the Cuban Academy of Sciences has said that still photos were taken from the videotape clearly show “symbols and inscriptions,” Mr. Weinzweig said. It is […]

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This town of 170,000 replaced some cops with medics and mental health workers. It’s worked for over 30 years

Stephan:  America has a horrifying history of law enforcement and imprisonment. We have 4.23% of the world's population and 22% of the world's prisoners; that works out to be 716 men and women per 100,000. By comparison, Norway's incarceration rate is 72 per 100,000; Germany is 79, France is 98, the entire United Kingdom is 348. We hear about how large and dreadful the prisons of North Korea, Russia, or China are, but the truth is no other country on earth has anything like the American gulag. And the gulag exists because our entire law enforcement system has been militarized and although police departments have slogans like "protect and serve" the real operational philosophy is "selectively repress and punish" This is a deliberate strategy that was created as a result of the anti-war protests of the Vietnam era, combined with the awakening of the 60s brought on by marijuana usage and LSD. It began with Democratic president Lyndon Johnson War on Drugs but really kicked into high gear during the administration of Republicans Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. There is something in the Republican soul, perhaps the overactive right amygdalas so many Republicans have, that seeks to inflict punishment rather than fostering rehabilitation. It is completely irrational, of course, and counter to all facts. Other nations understand that rehabilitation is better for society as a whole, produces more productive outcomes, and is ever so much cheaper. Here is a story that should awaken the country, the tale of a small city that followed the European model, and what the data shows about pursuing this course of action.
Oct 17, 2020; Eugene, OR, USA; Eugene Police officer Bo Rankin, left, meets with Cahoots administrative coordinator Ben Brubaker and emergency crisis worker Matt Eads, right, after working a shift together as part of the Community Outreach Response Team in Eugene. Mandatory Credit: Chris Pietsch/The Register-Guard/USA TODAY

Around 30 years ago, a town in Oregon retrofitted an old van, staffed it with young medics and mental health counselors and sent them out to respond to the kinds of 911 calls that wouldn’t necessarily require police intervention.In the town of 172,000, they were the first responders for mental health crises, homelessness, substance abuse, threats of suicide — the problems for which there are no easy fixes. The problems that, in the hands of police, have oftenturnedviolent.Today, the program, called CAHOOTS, has three vans, more than double the number of staffers and the attention of a country in crisis.CAHOOTS is already doing what police reform advocates say is necessary to fundamentally change the US […]

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How a Great Power Falls Apart

Stephan:  History is very clear: no empire lasts forever, or in geologic terms no more than a couple of heartbeats. We have been watching the dismantlement of America's international stature under the psychopath we have as president. Is this the end of the American era?  This essay provides some insights.
Protestors in Moscow in 1991 at the end of the Soviet Union

On November 11, 1980, a car filled with writers was making its way along a rain-slick highway to a conference in Madrid. The subject of the meeting was the human rights movement in the Soviet Union, and in the vehicle were some of the movement’s long-suffering activists: Vladimir Borisov and Viktor Fainberg, both of whom had endured horrific abuse in a Leningrad psychiatric hospital; the Tatar artist Gyuzel Makudinova, who had spent years in internal exile in Siberia; and her husband, the writer Andrei Amalrik, who had escaped to Western Europe after periods of arrest, rearrest, and confinement. 

Amalrik was at the wheel. Around 40 miles from the Spanish capital, the car swerved out of its lane and collided with an oncoming truck. Everyone survived except Amalrik, his throat pierced by a piece of metal, probably from the steering column. At the time of his death at the age of 42, Amalrik was certainly not the best-known Soviet dissident. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn had published The Gulag Archipelago, won the Nobel Prize in Literature, and immigrated to the United States. Andrei Sakharov had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, which he was forced to accept in absentia because the […]

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America’s nervous breakdown: For white folks who love Trump, a descent into madness

Stephan:  At no time since the Civil War has the United States been as split into two camps as it is today. What is scary about the Trumpers is that they literally operate only on emotions, fear, hate, resentment, racism, and seem impervious to facts. The politicization of mask-wearing being one of the most prominent examples of this dichotomy. I don't think there is going to be much conversion of Trumpers, which is why it is so important that everyone else vote Democratic. This is a campaign not of conversion, but of overwhelm.
The Grim Reaper chats with Florida Man on the beach. Credit: Twitter/@RambleRaconteur

Normally, I wouldn’t be at all concerned about a professional tabloid weirdo like Kanye West running for president. Today, however, I’m actually quite concerned, and not because I think Kanye is likely to win or even fumble his way onto enough ballots to make a dent. He won’t. For now.

The problem with Kanye or other political hobbyists running for president is that it further erodes the already threadbare integrity of our presidential politics, making it increasingly acceptable for other famous-for-being-famous nincompoops to run, and perhaps win. The last four years have illustrated how profoundly dangerous that can be. 

These days, the ground is especially fertile for dilettantes and tourists to run for national office. Even on the Democratic side, sparingly. There are myriad reasons for it, but chief among them is that we appear to be experiencing an American nervous breakdown — a societal form of psychological imbalance that’s abundantly evident and worsening by the day.

It became blindingly noticeable in 2016, but during the course of this year […]

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How to Lose an Election: Snatching Defeat from the Jaws of Victory

Stephan:  I think it is very important that Democrats not get over-confident because of the poll results; it ain't over until it is over. The Republicans, through voter suppression and other schemes, coupled with lazy over-confident Democrats who don't vote may end up giving us a catastrophic outome. Four more years of Trump and America as we have known it will be gone. This essay makes points I hope every Democrat will take to heart.
Biden in Texas

The message to the DNC and all progressives: Stop scaring Middle America

Within days before the 2016 election there were assertions that Hillary Clinton might sweep the board, or at least win in a significant landslide. There were several key factors that led to defeat.  The largest, by far, was the number of voters (many of them Democrats who had supported Obama) who failed to go to cast ballots.

There is no rational reason why Trump’s approval rating now should be as high as 38 percent, yet it is.  Some pollsters claim the problem in predicting the outcome of the 2016 election was pooling the data on a national level. That they claim failed to take into account the state by state contests.  Thus, while Clinton won the popular vote by a significant margin, she lost the electoral college.

But this is not about history, it is about current events and how hard many progressives are working to get Trump re-elected.  Obviously, that is not their intent, but certainly consistent with […]

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25% of People Believe Unproven Conspiracy Theories About COVID-19

Stephan:  In most of the rest of the developed world there is only one pandemic going on, and in most of those countries, with the notable exception of Russia, Brazil, and India, it seems to be almost over. In the United States things are very different. It is my view that in America we have two pandemics going on concurrently.  One is the Covid-19 pandemic.  The other is the Trumper stupidity pandemic. They may be able to cure Covid-19, but death seems to be the only cure for stupidity.
  • Misinformation and conspiracy theories about COVID-19 continue to flourish in the wake of the pandemic.
  • A recent online survey of about 2,500 people found that 25 percent either showed a consistent pattern or “very high levels” of endorsing “conspiracy thinking” about the novel coronavirus.
  • Medical experts urge people to listen to medically credible individuals who speak from knowledge and experience instead of following ideas and untested therapies from social media and even the White House.
  • Knowledgeable professionals suggest simple interventions to keep yourself and others safe from COVID-19: Wear a mask. Wash your hands. Seek medical care if you feel ill, and follow the guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Anti-mask Trumper Credit: New York Magazine

All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit our coronavirus hub and follow our live updates page for the most recent information on the COVID-19 outbreak.


The FDATrusted Source have removed the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for hydroxychloroquine […]

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In countries keeping the coronavirus at bay, experts watch U.S. case numbers with alarm

Stephan:  You can't travel to Europe. It looks like you may not be able to travel to Mexico, and other nations are considering similar restrictions. America is becoming a pariah nation because of its cruelty, incompetence, and stupidity. Yeah, we're number one all right. But not for what Trump seems to think.
American traveler turned away from entering Europe
Credit: AOL.com

As coronavirus cases surge in the U.S. South and West, health experts in countries with falling case numbers are watching with a growing sense of alarm and disbelief, with many wondering why virus-stricken U.S. states continue to reopen and why the advice of scientists is often ignored.

“It really does feel like the U.S. has given up,” said Siouxsie Wiles, an infectious-diseases specialist at the University of Auckland in New Zealand — a country that has confirmed only three new cases over the past three weeks and where citizens have now largely returned to their pre-coronavirus routines.

“I can’t imagine what it must be like having to go to work knowing it’s unsafe,” Wiles said of the U.S.-wide economic reopening. “It’s hard to see how this ends. There are just going to be more and more people infected, and more and more deaths. It’s heartbreaking.”

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As Covid-19 Takes Toll, DeVos Denounced for New ‘Craven’ Public School Privatization Scheme

Stephan:  Under cover of the pandemic, the Trumpian orcs are working their agendas. Consider this report on Betsy DeVos, who wants to privatize public education This at a time when American students already score abysmally compared to students from other developed nations, and one horror story after another has emerged on what happens when you privatize what was formerly public education.
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos testifies before the House in Washington on Thursday, Feb. 27, 2020. Credit: Caroline Brehman/CQ-Roll Call, Inc./Getty

With the Trump administration planning to demand that Congress devote a large chunk of the state and local education funding in the next Covid-19 relief package to a new grant program for private and religious schools, the 1.7 million-member American Federation of Teachers on Thursday accused Education Secretary Betsy DeVos of attempting to exploit the pandemic to advance her privatization agenda.

“It is telling that, after spending more than three years doing nothing to help the public schools that 90 percent of children attend, Betsy DeVos races to divert resources into private hands 48 hours after the Supreme Court’s decision in Espinoza,” Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, said in a statement, referring to the high court’s ruling Tuesday that religious schools cannot be excluded from taxpayer aid programs.

“Secretary DeVos and President Trump are using this pandemic as an excuse to push an ideological privatization agenda that would divert much-needed funds away from our public schools.”
—Sen. Patty Murray

“With our country […]

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