When I began Schwartzreport my purpose was to produce an entirely fact-based daily publication in favor of the earth, the inter-connectedness and interdependence of all life, democracy, equality for all, liberty, and things that are life-affirming. Also, to warn my readers about actions, events, and trends that threaten those values. Our country now stands at a crossroads, indeed, the world stands at a crossroads where those values are very much at risk and it is up to each of us who care about wellbeing to do what we can to defend those principles. I want to thank all of you who have contributed to SR, particularly those of you who have scheduled an ongoing monthly contribution. It makes a big difference and is much appreciated. It is one thing to put in the hours each day and to do the work for free, but another to have to cover the rising out-of-pocket costs. For those of you who haven’t done so, but read SR regularly, I ask that you consider supporting it.

— Stephan


Schwartz Report Episode 52: Secrets of Happiness

As COVID-19 deaths hit record numbers, Trump oversees a historic wealth transfer to the super-rich

Stephan:  Also under cover of the pandemic, Trump is making sure the rich, including his family, get much richer. Are you getting richer? Probably not.
Some billionaires having a good time, and the common folk affected by the pandemic  by Getty/Salon

Where you or I would see misery, the super-rich see opportunity. (That includes the billionaire president.)

Indeed, amid a pandemic with a six-figure death toll, America’s wealthiest capitalists are consolidating their unprecedented gains realized thanks to the spread of a deadly virus, which their chief protector Donald J. Trump is working overtime to spread. The coronavirus news cycle was a perfect cover to mask what has really been happening.

Thus, as Trump’s so-called policies kill tens of thousands of Americans, he’s making the richest even richer.

Even as the death toll mounts, including any number of essential workers, the downdraft of Trump’s Depression is kicking in. Remember all the hot air about premium pay for the essential workforce? According to the latest monthly Bureau of Labor Statistics, hourly earnings for private non-farm payroll shrank by 35 cents and hour, while nonsupervisory workers lost 23 cents an hour.

Based on the President’s actions, it appears that he subscribes to the […]

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White Supremacist Ideas Have Historical Roots in US Christianity

Stephan:  What very few people in the United States seem to realize is that what passes for Christianity in this country has, and has for centuries, been intertwined with White Supremacy. Virtually every White slave owner saw themselves as a Christian, as does every KKK member. They don't burn crosses because they are Jews. Of course, they don't teach this history in schools, yet it has pervaded every aspect of the Christian faith except the Quakers who, from the 18th century on were abolitionists. For instance, were you told that in 1852 when the LDS (Mormon) Church was just getting started, Brigham Young, the president of the church pronounced that Black men could not become priests in the church, and that this did not change until well into the 20th century?  If you look at the taboo history of Christianity in the United States you discover that the most frequently invoked justifications for White Supremacy are grounded in the Bible. This piece by an npr correspondent lays out some of the issues very well.  In my opinion the real facts about slavery and White Supremacy should be required in courses on American history.

When a young Southern Baptist pastor named Alan Cross arrived in Montgomery, Ala., in January 2000, he knew it was where the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. had his first church and where Rosa Parks helped launched the famous bus boycott, but he didn’t know some other details of the city’s role in civil rights history.

The more he learned, the more troubled he became by one event in particular: the savage attack in May 1961 on a busload of Black and white Freedom Riders who had traveled defiantly together to Montgomery in a challenge to segregation. Over the next 15 years, Cross, who is white, would regularly take people to the old Greyhound depot in Montgomery to highlight what happened that spring day.

“They pull in right here, on the side,” Cross said, standing in front of the depot. “And it was quiet when they got here. But then once they start getting off the bus, around 500 people come out – men, women and children. Men were holding the Freedom Riders back, and the women […]

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The Climate Emergency Won’t Wait for the Press to Play Catch-up Again

Stephan:  This report raises what I consider to be a critically important issue. Mainstream media, particularly cable media simply does not cover the news. It becomes obsessed with something and mostly the news is an endless commentary about that issue. Typically an hour of "news" is an A block, a B block and then lesser C and D blocks. That's it. To really become even modestly familiar with the news of the world one has to listen to the British BBC, the Chinese, CGTV, and Islamic Aljazeera. Read the Guardian, Der Spiegel, and Asia Times. But what really worries me is that American media is not properly covering climate change in all its aspects. The most important trend that is going to change every aspect of life on earth goes weeks without a mention on CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN. On top of that the most watched television cable network FOX, is a deliberate propaganda operation in which facts play little or no role. As a result for many Americans it is almost impossible to sort actual news from ideological crap. There is going to be a big price for this.
Flooding caused by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico’s coastal town of Loiza. 
Credit: Dennis M. Rivera Pichardo / The Washington Post/Getty

To hear many journalists tell it, the spring of 2020 has brought a series of extraordinary revelations. Look at what the nation has learned: that our health care system was not remotely up to the challenge of a deadly pandemic. That our economic safety net was largely nonexistent. That our vulnerability to disease and death was directly tied to our race and where we live. That our political leadership sowed misinformation that left people dead. That systemic racism and the killing of Black people by police is undiminished, despite decades of protest and so many Black lives lost.

Journalism is now engaged in explaining and contextualizing this moment, a frenzy of feature writing prompted by the filling of morgues and the throngs of people in the streets. Some of these pieces will be impressive; a few will win our most prestigious journalism prizes. We’ll look back at the spring of 2020 and congratulate ourselves on the central role played […]

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Coronavirus mutation has taken over the world. Scientists are trying to understand why.

Stephan:  The Covid-19 coronavirus (19 because it was first detected in 2019) is a mutation or, more accurately, one stage of a mutation. The nations of the world, through the UN, should be putting together an international pandemic task force to track these mutations, and each country should be establishing some kind of agency or department to plan, prepare, and put into place around the country the supplies needed for pandemics. This is only the beginning. Instead, we have a president and an administration that is acting like this pandemic is nothing to worry about, back to normal, everything handled. That even as 128,000 people are dead and over 2 million cases have been reported. Donald Trump and Mike Pence are mass murderers, and I think that is how history will treat them.

When the first coronavirus cases in Chicago appeared in January, they bore the same genetic signatures as a germ that emerged in China weeks before.

But as Egon Ozer, an infectious-disease specialist at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, examined the genetic structure of virus samples from local patients, he noticed something different.

A change in the virus was appearing again and again. This mutation, associated with outbreaks in Europe and New York, eventually took over the city. By May, it was found in 95% of all the genomes Ozer sequenced.

At a glance, the mutation seemed trivial. About 1,300 amino acids serve as building blocks for a protein on the surface of the virus. In the mutant virus, the genetic instructions for just one of those amino acids – number 614 – switched in the new variant from a “D” (shorthand for aspartic acid) to a “G” (short for glycine).

But the location was significant, because the switch occurred in the part of the genome that codes for the all-important “spike protein” – the protruding structure that gives the coronavirus its […]

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A New Study Reveals What’s Actually in Hot Dogs. Hint: It’s Not Meat.

Stephan:  Did you enjoy a hot dog over the 4th?
Ketchup, mustard, onion and relish on a hot dog with US Flag,
Credit: Getty

If you think you’re eating meat when you have a hot dog, I’m sorry to tell you that you’ve been getting played. We all have.

What’s actually in them, then? “They’re just tubes of fat,” Tyler Rouse, a pathologist at the Stratford General Hospital in Ontario, Canada, explained to Scientific American.

Rouse got curious as to what exactly where in dogless hot dogs a couple years ago and realized that he had the ability to figure it out. “We work in a lab, we make slides all day. Hot dogs are kind of the perfect shape to make into a slide. We can actually answer this question.” He recounted how he figured it out to the publication.

So he and his colleague Jordan Radigan got their hands on three types of dogs: a no-name brand from the supermarket, another all-beef dog and a third from a ballpark vendor. They then took cross sections for slides and used stains to identify different types of tissue. And found, to their […]

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The Voting Disaster Ahead

Stephan:  It is clear to me, and perhaps to you, that Donald Trump and the Trumplicans, are going full White supremacy and christofascist. I get that. what concerns me is that they know it won't be enough, and so we are going to see a truly despicable effort to rig and suppress the vote. Nothing will stop this except citizen mass protests. What are you prepared to do to protect American democracy?
Shutterstock/The Atlantic

On june 9, primary day, hundreds of people surrounded Park Tavern, a sprawling brewery and restaurant in Atlanta’s Piedmont Park. They queued in six-foot increments, and the line wrapped around the parking lot. Two nearby polling locations were closed, so this was where 16,000 Atlantans were slated to cast their ballots. Across the metro area, more than 80 voting locations had been closed or consolidated over concerns about the coronavirus. What’s worse: The new state-ordered voting machines had stopped working.

Some people waited for more than three hours to vote; others left before casting their ballots. Georgia’s meltdown was not an anomaly. The 2020 primary began with a malfunctioning app in the Iowa caucus, rendering the first-in-the-nation contest moot. One month later, on Super Tuesday, voters met hours-long waits in Los Angeles, Houston, Dallas, and Sacramento. Another month passed, thousands of Americans were dying of the coronavirus, and state officials began canceling primaries. Wisconsin’s state legislature forced its April primary through anyway. Milwaukee voters stood masked in a hailstorm, waiting to vote at one of just five polling places. […]

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The Supreme Court Just Handed Down Some Truly Awful News for Voting Rights

Stephan:  We now have a Supreme Court in which four justices make their decisions on the basis of their prejudices and ideology rather than on the basis of the Constitution and the laws. This is what the vile Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump have been working for these past four years. The Republican Party has  become a White christofascist cult, and they know they are increasingly outnumbered which is why they have been working so hard to rig the judiciary and accomplish voter suppression.
Activists in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. Credit: Getty

The Supreme Court handed down two briefunsigned orders on Friday concerning what restrictions states may place on absentee voting during the coronavirus pandemic. Though neither order is a final judgment — one grants a temporary stay of a lower court decision, the other denies expedited review of an important voting rights case — the practical impact of both orders is that voters in Alabama and Texas will find it harder to cast a ballot during the pandemic.

The Texas order is particularly ominous because it suggests that Texas will be able to apply election rules that ensure that older, Republican-leaning voters have an easy time casting a ballot — while younger voters could be forced to risk infection in order to vote.

The Alabama case

The Alabama case is Merrill v. People First of Alabama. Alabama law allows anyone to cast an absentee ballot during the pandemic, but it also imposes certain restrictions on those voters. Among other […]

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The GOP traded its principles for conservative judges. It was a bad deal.

Stephan:  Here is a somewhat more hopeful take on the current judiciary situation. May it be so.
President Trump shakes hands with Judge Neil M. Gorsuch in the White House East Room on Jan. 31, 2017, during an event to announce Trump’s nomination of Gorsuch for the Supreme Court. Credit: Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post

President Trump has retained support from many Republicans and conservatives thanks to a Faustian bargain: So long as he stacks the judiciary with friendly judges, they’ll look the other way when he pushes trade protectionism, ditches entitlement reform or woos Russian President Vladimir Putin — positions out of step with recent conservative orthodoxy.

Former George W. Bush administration lawyer John Yoo said that he had deeply conservative friends “who would normally be utterly turned off by a guy like Trump,” yet supported him “only because of [the] appointment to Justice [Antonin] Scalia’s vacancy” on the Supreme Court. Conservative fixation with judges goes beyond the Supreme Court, including the lower courts as well. Noting that the Supreme Court hears a tiny fraction of the cases decided by appellate judges, Washington Post contributing columnist Hugh Hewitt challenged Trump’s conservative critics to “reconcile their vehement opposition […]

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