When I began Schwartzreport my purpose was to produce an entirely fact-based daily publication in favor of the earth, the inter-connectedness and interdependence of all life, democracy, equality for all, liberty, and things that are life-affirming. Also, to warn my readers about actions, events, and trends that threaten those values. Our country now stands at a crossroads, indeed, the world stands at a crossroads where those values are very much at risk and it is up to each of us who care about wellbeing to do what we can to defend those principles. I want to thank all of you who have contributed to SR, particularly those of you who have scheduled an ongoing monthly contribution. It makes a big difference and is much appreciated. It is one thing to put in the hours each day and to do the work for free, but another to have to cover the rising out-of-pocket costs. For those of you who haven’t done so, but read SR regularly, I ask that you consider supporting it.

— Stephan


Schwartz Report Episode 51: The Precognition That is Shaping Our Culture

References to further explore this episode can be found HERE

RNC votes to install Trump’s handpicked leaders, tightening his control of party


I am going to stop using the Republican Party as the name of what used to be the party of that name. This party, which was once Republican, no longer has anything in common with the Republican Party of Dwight Eisenhower or even George H.W. Bush (the elder Bush). I am going to call it the Trump christofascist Party (TCP), since it has literally been taken over by criminal Trump and his family and minions. It has millions of willfully ignorant followers who, more than anything, remind me of the Germans who followed Hitler. Between now and November we will see how many of them wake up to what they have become.

Lara Trump attends the RNC’s Spring meeting on March 8, 2024, in Houston, Texas.
Credit: Cecile Clocheret / AFP / Getty

The Republican National Committee voted Friday to install Donald Trump’s handpicked leadership team, completing his takeover of the national party as the former president closes in on a third straight presidential nomination.

Michael Whatley, a North Carolina Republican who has echoed Trump’s false theories of voter fraud, was elected the party’s new national chairman in a vote Friday morning in Houston. Lara Trump, the former president’s daughter-in-law, was voted in as co-chair.

Trump’s team is promising not to use the RNC to pay his mounting personal legal bills. But Trump and his lieutenants will have firm control of the party’s political and fundraising machinery with limited, if any, internal pushback.

“The RNC is going to be the vanguard of a movement that will work tirelessly every single day to elect our nominee, Donald J. Trump, as the 47th president of the United States,” Whatley told RNC members in a speech after being elected.

Whatley will carry […]

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We Need to Talk About This Republican Candidate’s Antisemitism


I spent an hour or so today examining the candidates being put forward by the TCP, and they have nothing to do with fostering wellbeing and advancing democracy. No one makes this clearer than Mark Robinson, the TCP nominee for governor of North Carolina. That such a person would even be considered by a political party as their candidate tells you all you need to know about what the TCP is about. Now the question is, will the people of North Carolina elect such a man as their governor? That is going to tell us a great deal about what America has become.

Mark Robinson, the Republican nominee for governor of North Carolina, has, for some reason, not bothered to take down his old Facebook posts about the Jews.

“There is a REASON the liberal media fills the airwaves with programs about the NAZI and the ‘6 million Jews’ they murdered,” Robinson, the state’s lieutenant governor, wrote in one 2017 post. (The reason was left unsaid, but the scare quotes spoke loudly.) He regularly argued on Facebook that focusing on the evils of Nazism obscured the greater danger: the one represented by the Democratic Party. “George Soros is alive. Adolf Hitler is dead,” he wrote in one post, and in another, “Who do you think has been pushing this Nazi boogeyman narrative all these years?”

In 2018, Robinson, who is Black, offered some thoughts about what he seemed to see as a Jewish plot behind the hit movie “Black Panther.” The title character, he wrote, was “created by an agnostic Jew and put to film by satanic Marxist,” calling the movie “trash” that was “created to pull the shekels” from the pockets of Black people, whom he referred to using a Yiddish slur. He has […]

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‘Trump is beholden to someone’: Here’s who’s behind company footing E. Jean Carroll bond


This is what has concerned me from the start of all the criminal Trump trials. Trump is not a billionaire or anything close. When you get to the fundamentals he may no longer even be a millionaire because he is so heavily mortgaged and in debt. This article raises these issues about the E. Jean Carroll issues. But that money is only a fraction of what the New York A.G. is going after, half a billion. I don’t think he has half a billion in unencumbered real estate. So who is going to put that up, and to whom will Trump obligate himself, and about what? He would sell out America’s national interests in a heartbeat for that money. And as this article points out how will anyone know who will control Trump? The Saudis? Putin? Elon Musk?

Magazine columnist E. Jean Carroll arrives for her civil trial against criminal Donald Trump at Manhattan Federal Court on May 4, 2023, in New York City. Credit: Michael M. Santiago / Getty Credit: Trump photo / AFP

Many people are now asking about Evan G. Greenberg, the CEO of the Chubb Group, which has a subsidiary that fronted the cash given to Donald Trump for his bond in New York for the E. Jean Carroll settlement.

Even if Trump intends to appeal the settlement ruled on by the jury, he must put the cash up as a bond to the court. Greenberg is the one who made it happen.

As legal analyst Allison Gill pointed out, he is not only a New York businessman, but was also brought on by Trump in 2018 to serve on the Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations. His term ended in 2022.

One internet sleuth, political advisor and researcher pointed to a release from the Rainforest Action Network that linked […]

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‘Put It Between Your Knees’: Republican Suggests Aspirin Is All the Contraception Women Need


Yet another report about the TCP’s obsession with controlling and subordinating women. These men are like characters out of The Handmaid’s Tale, and so are the women who vote for them. There seem to be millions of American women who want to be controlled and subordinate to men because that is how they vote.

A top Republican state lawmaker is touting what he suggests are the off-label benefits of aspirin: as a contraceptive, if used as he directs.

“Bayer Company invented aspirin. Put it between your knees,” Arizona state Senate Majority Leader Sonny Borrelli, a far-right Republican who has promoted false election fraud claims, told the Arizona Mirror, as Heartland Signal reports.

The Mirror reports Borrelli “suggested women wouldn’t need contraceptives if they weren’t so promiscuous.”

Arizona Democratic Governor Katie Hobbs has been trying to get lawmakers to pass “The Right to Contraception Act,” but it appears the legislation is likely dead, after Republicans refused to even allow it to be heard in committee.

“This basic, commonsense proposal hasn’t made it past step one,” Hobbs said, speaking about the bill. “It begs the question: Why won’t they codify this basic freedom into law? What do they have against allowing us to have control over our own bodies and access to basic health care?”

The Mirror reports the legislation “sought to protect the ability of Arizonans to obtain all forms of birth control, including Plan B, and guarantee the right of health care providers to prescribe contraceptives or give information about them […]

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Coastal US cities are sinking as sea levels continue to rise, new research shows


The submergence of coastal cities, as this article describes, is occurring not just because of sea rise. The subsidence of the land is also a major issue.  The United States is not doing enough fast enough to protect these cities and towns, so we are going to see a massive real estate crisis. It has already started in Florida where both forces are changing the coasts and homeowners can no longer get home insurance. Would you want to own a property under threat when you couldn’t buy any insurance to protect your investment? Neither would I. But that is what is happening because we are not dealing with the climate change issues properly.

Several coastal cities around the United States are “disappearing” into the ground, according to new research, which could further exacerbate complications of sea level rise in the near future.

A considerable amount of land in 32 U.S. coastal cities could be at risk of flooding by 2050 due to subsidence, the gradual caving in or sinking of an area of land, according to a paper published Wednesday in Nature.

The continuous loss of land will affect most coastal cities, Leonard Ohenhen, a Ph.D. candidate at Virginia Tech University specializing in coastal vulnerability and large-scale land subsidence, told ABC News.

Large cities surrounded by water — such as Boston, New Orleans and San Francisco — will be among the regions that could experience flooding in the near future due to land elevation changes combined with sea level rise — about 4 millimeters per year, said Ohenhen, who authored the paper.

Up to 273,000 people and 171,000 properties in coastal regions around the U.S. could be impacted, according to the paper’s findings.

Coastal areas with higher elevation levels and […]

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Amid explosive demand, America is running out of power


What most Americans don’t seem to realize and politicians rarely talk about is that what most of us think of as America was created in the forty years from 1920 to 1960. That’s when the roads, bridges, dams, electrical systems, and middle-class families came into being. But, beginning with the Reagan administration, we shifted from being a nation that was grounded in creating wellbeing to a nation structured on greed, profit, and power. That is what made 735  billionaires and almost 22 million millionaires and the middle class became increasingly stressed. At the same time as this was happening, America stopped looking after its infrastructure. Now that failure has created the stress tearing our country apart and has left us unprepared for our future needs.

Vast swaths of the United States are at risk of running short of power as electricity-hungry data centers and clean-technology factories proliferate around the country, leaving utilities and regulators grasping for credible plans to expand the nation’s creaking power grid.

In Georgia, demand for industrial power is surging to record highs, with the projection of new electricity use for the next decade now 17 times what it was only recently. Arizona Public Service, the largest utility in that state, is also struggling to keep up, projecting it will be out of transmission capacity before the end of the decade absent major upgrades.

Northern Virginia needs the equivalent of several large nuclear power plants to serve all the new data centers planned and under construction. Texas, where electricity shortages are already routine on hot summer days, faces the same dilemma.

The soaring demand is touching off a scramble to try to squeeze more juice out of an aging power grid while pushing commercial customers to go to extraordinary lengths to lock down energy sources, such […]

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Missouri Advances Bill Targeting Abortion-Specific Training in Medical Schools


Wake up Americans. This is where the Republican Party is headed. This is what they are trying to do. How much clearer do they have to make it before the country realizes what the Republicans intend?

The Missouri State Capitol building dome is pictured in Jefferson City, Missouri. Credit: Stephen Emlund / istock / Getty

The Missouri House is advancing a bill aimed at limiting abortion-specific training at both private and public medical schools within the state. Sponsored by Rep. Justin Sparks (R), the bill, HB 2621, also seeks to prohibit collaborations between medical schools in Missouri and clinics located in other states for the provision of such training.

“If a university or research institution is going to be involved in that practice, then there will be essentially a financial penalty on the endowment of such institution,” Sparks told Missourinet.

If Missouri outlaws abortion-specific training, doctors may not have the needed information to act in medical emergencies. Additionally, bills like HB 2621 would likely exacerbate the existing maternal mortality crisis in the state and worsen health care deserts.

Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s reversal of the constitutional right to abortion, Missouri activated its trigger ban, effectively prohibiting the procedure except in medical emergencies when “a delay will create a serious risk of substantial and irreversible physical […]

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Orbán meeting offers preview of Trump’s 2nd-term strongman idealizations


The Republicans and criminal Trump aren’t even trying to hide what they want to do in America. If you vote for any Republican you have no one to blame for what happens to the ending of American democracy but yourself.

Criminal Trump and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban meet in the Oval Office in Washington in 2019.
Credit: Szilard Koszticsak /EPA-EFE / Shutterstock / File

The Hungarian prime minister first won power through a democratic election, then proceeded to weaken the institutions of that democracy by eroding the legal system, firing civil servants, politicizing business, attacking the press and intimidating opposition parties and demagoguing migration.

Former President Donald Trump has left no doubt that he’d try something similar in the United States if he wins a second term – so the presumptive GOP nominee will presumably be eager to compare notes when he hosts Orbán in Florida on Friday.

The prime minister isn’t meeting Biden administration officials. (A Biden administration official told CNN’s Betsy Klein that no invitation for a meeting between the current US president and Hungarian leader was extended.) Instead, he’s choosing to meet the man he hopes will again be US president next year. The two men have a long history of mutual admiration. The fact that one of Trump’s first moves since becoming […]

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