When I began Schwartzreport my purpose was to produce an entirely fact-based daily publication in favor of the earth, the inter-connectedness and interdependence of all life, democracy, equality for all, liberty, and things that are life-affirming. Also, to warn my readers about actions, events, and trends that threaten those values. Our country now stands at a crossroads, indeed, the world stands at a crossroads where those values are very much at risk and it is up to each of us who care about wellbeing to do what we can to defend those principles. I want to thank all of you who have contributed to SR, particularly those of you who have scheduled an ongoing monthly contribution. It makes a big difference and is much appreciated. It is one thing to put in the hours each day and to do the work for free, but another to have to cover the rising out-of-pocket costs. For those of you who haven’t done so, but read SR regularly, I ask that you consider supporting it.

— Stephan


Schwartz Report Episode 51: The Precognition That is Shaping Our Culture

References to further explore this episode can be found HERE

Elon Musk says US should stop helping Ukraine defend itself against Russian invasion


In Elon Musk we have an American billionaire oligarch who is openly trying to support Russia in its invasion of Ukraine and to use his assets to shape American geopolitical policies to that end and in favor of Putin and his aims. I have always considered Elon Musk to be a particularly scummy person, but am amazed he is committing what, in an earlier age, would be considered treason yet faces no consequences from the Biden administration.

American Fascist Oligarch Elon Musk. Credit: Vanity Fair

Elon Musk has called on the US to cut its weapons supply to Ukraine claiming “there is no way in hell” Vladimir Putin is going to lose the war.

The Tesla and SpaceX boss made the remarks during a conversation with Republican senator Ron Johnson on social media platform Twitter/X overnight during discussions with senators JD Vance, Mike Lee, and failed presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy over the Ukraine funding bill.

Their scrutiny of the US support to Ukraine comes as the Democratic-led Senate on Monday set the stage for the final passage of a $95.34bn aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, amid growing doubts about the fate of the legislation in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives.

The Senate voted 66-33, exceeding a 60-vote margin, to sweep aside the last procedural hurdle and limit debate on the measure to a final 30 hours before a vote on passage that could come on Wednesday.

President Joe Biden has been urging Congress to hurry new aid to Ukraine with Kyiv officials warning of weapons shortages at a […]

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Florida House Republicans advance bill to ‘deny the legal existence’ of trans people


As I listened to the reports come in about how Trump overwhelmingly won every primary held, I read a long list of stories about how the MAGAt christofascists are waging their culture wars. In Florida, as this article describes, “the Republican-controlled lower chamber of the state Legislature… seeks to deny the legal existence of transgender individuals by requiring individuals to identify as their sex assigned at birth.” As I read this I asked myself,  is this a single MAGAt controlled state action or is this a national trend? I am sorry to tell you this is a very nasty national trend. The ACLU, as of 1 March 2024, reports they are tracking 471 anti-LGBTQ bills. The obsession and hate over other people’s sexuality is one of the defining aspects of this evil Republican cult. And yet, as today’s preliminaries demonstrate, a large percentage of Americans subscribe to this hate. The United States is defining itself as a society of hate.

States where Republicans are proposing anti-LGBTQ legislation. health care or other policies to hurt GBTQ men and women. Credit: American Civil Liberties Union

The ACLU of Florida on Friday led condemnation of a bill passed by the Republican-controlled lower chamber of the state Legislature that “seeks to deny the legal existence of transgender individuals by requiring individuals to identify as their sex assigned at birth instead of their gender on their driver’s licenses and ID cards.”

Dubbed the Trans Erasure Bill by opponents, H.B. 1639 passed by a vote of 75-33. The ACLU notes that the legislation “also requires health plans to cover the widely discredited practice of conversion therapy and creates additional obstacles for health plans to cover gender-affirming care.”

“H.B. 1639 is harmful, vague, and does nothing to improve the lives of Floridians,” ACLU of Florida policy strategist NR Hines said in a statement. “It is eerily silent on the consequences for transgender individuals who identify their gender on their driver’s license or other government-issued identification instead of their sex assigned […]

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Florida removes sociology from core courses, bans DEI funding at colleges and universities


Here is yet another MAGAt culture war move in Florida. I track Florida because along with Texas it tends to lead the former Confederate states in trying to turn the United States into a White supremacy christofascist obsessively heterosexual nation.  One part of their culture war strategy is to create ignorance, and here is the latest example of what Florida is doing at the University level.

Joe Saunders with Equality Florida explains how the decisions affects students at Florida colleges and universities.
Credit: WPTV

WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA. — The Florida Board of Governors approved new rules that remove sociology from general education core course options and prohibit diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) spending at the state’s public universities and colleges.

The ruling happened Wednesday.

“All in favor, say ‘I.’ Opposed, two no’s. Motion carries,” Chair Brian Lamb said.

The vote will prohibit funding for diversity, equity, and inclusion programs.

“We are here to take action as a board,” Lamb said.

The action the board took in essence prohibits a university from providing state or federal funding to promote, support or maintain any DEI programs.

Joe Saunders with Equality Florida said this decision threatens and eliminates student unions for Black, Jewish, to LGBTQ students.

“To ban diversity, equity, and inclusion programs from receiving state funding,” he said, “what it really means is the only resources left to support any of these programs is a small sliver that’s available through student fees.”

The board wanted to make it […]

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Decades after the US buried nuclear waste abroad, climate change could unearth it


This story describes why I have always been against nuclear-generated civilian electricity. It is the unexpected accidents and the waste. Nuclear waste lasts thousands of years and any number of causes can produce disastrous accidents. Remember Chernobyl, Fukushima, and as this report describes, now possibly Greenland and the Marshall Islands. Nuclear energy was created for naval usage, not civilian installations.  Few today seem to understand this.

U.S. military officers watch nuclear waste being dumped on Runit Island in the Marshall Islands. Credit: Department of Defense

Ariana Tibon was in college at the University of Hawaiʻi in 2017 when she saw the photo online: a black-and-white picture of a man holding a baby. The caption said: “Nelson Anjain getting his baby monitored on March 2, 1954, by an AEC RadSafe team member on Rongelap two days after ʻBravo.’” 

Tibon had never seen the man before. But she recognized the name as her great-grandfather’s. At the time, he was living on Rongelap in the Marshall Islands when the U.S. conducted Castle Bravo, the largest of 67 nuclear weapon tests there during the Cold War. The tests displaced and sickened Indigenous people, poisoned fish, upended traditional food practices, and caused cancers and other negative health repercussions that continue to reverberate today. 

federal report by the Government Accountability Office published last month examines what’s left of that nuclear contamination, not only in the Pacific but also in Greenland and Spain. The authors […]

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US to begin aid airdrops into Gaza but critics dismiss effort as inadequate


I am glad President Biden is finally doing something for the people of Gaza, but I think this is pretty pathetic. I think Biden is making a significant mistake, both nationally and internationally, harming both himself and the country as a whole. In my view what needs to be done is Biden should tell fascist Benjamin Netanyahu, you either stop killing the people of Gaza, or you don’t get another dime of aid from us nor a single bullet.

Aid airdrops over Gaza City. Credit: Kosay Al Nemer/ Reuters

The US will start airdrops of food and emergency supplies into Gaza in the next few days, Joe Biden has announced, amid UN warnings of famine and after Israeli troops opened fire on Gazans seeking food aid.

The use of airdrops is a spectacular but inefficient way of delivering aid, and Friday’s announcement suggests that Biden had given up on being able to persuade Israel in the near future to coordinate a large-scale ground-based relief effort under the threat of mass starvation across Gaza.

Critics suggested it represented no more than a gesture, which obscured Biden’s reluctance to use US leverage to force Israel to be more cooperative in the delivery of humanitarian aid.

“The loss of life is heartbreaking,” Biden said, making the announcement at the White House at a meeting with Italian prime minister, Giorgia Meloni. “People are so desperate that innocent people got caught in a terrible war unable to feed their families and you saw the response when they tried to get aid in.

“And we need to do […]

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Our Climate Future Hangs in the Balance This Election


This election has become very simple for me, and I think it should be for you. If you value democracy. and want something postive to be done about climate change, you vote Democrat. Period. You want America to become an authoritarian state that is destroyed by climate change you vote for Trump and other Republicans. It is as simple as that. About a third of Whites are going to choose Trump. Their rage, resentment, racism, and sense of being the victim will lead them to make the Trump choice. The outcome will be determined by whether more of us vote for Democrats and the Electoral College reflects that. Which side are you on?

Climate change demonstration. Credit: Adobe

In the wake of the hottest year on record, with fossil fuel production increasing and sea levels rising, the stakes for the climate couldn’t be higher in this year’s elections.

In the presidential contest, the contrast is distinct. President Joe Biden’s massive climate initiatives and tougher environmental regulations are sure to drive turnout on both sides of the political aisle. And likely Republican nominee Donald Trump’s promises to pull the country out of the Paris climate accord again, aggressively “drill baby drill” and repeal the Inflation Reduction Act are making headlines. 

In previous election cycles, climate change was typically low on the list of voters’ concerns and largely ignored by the candidates. But it was a powerful predictor of voters’ behavior — helping boost Democrats in recent elections, according to a new study. Climate change likely cost Republicans the 2020 election, according to researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder Center for Environmental Futures, helping pull Democrats, independents, moderate Republicans and younger voters to the polls. 

The differences between the parties have […]

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The Myth of the Migrant Crime Wave


The Republicans, and the MAGAt media, spend hours promoting the idea that immigrants are creating a terrible crime wave. It is a blatant lie, as anyone can ascertain in five minutes searching the internet. Here is what you find:

  • The Southern states demonstrate significantly higher murder rates than the rest of the country, with Mississippi leading at a rate of 23.7 homicides per 100,000 people, followed by Louisiana at 21.3, and Alabama at 15.9.
  • In stark contrast, the Northeast carries the lowest homicide rates.

Unfortunately, the MAGAt Whites who make up the Trump base are not smart enough to do that, they just listen to the lies of the Fox propaganda network, IMAX and the others, all of which spread the migrant crime story.

Immigrants Credit: Qian Weizhong / VCG / Newscom

“The United States is being overrun by the Biden migrant crime. It’s a new form of vicious violation to our country,” said former President Donald Trump during a visit to the U.S.-Mexico border in Eagle Pass, Texas, on Thursday.

Trump’s remarks come at a tense moment in the nation’s sentiment toward immigration. Americans now say that immigration is “the most important problem facing the U.S.,” according to the results of a Gallup poll published this week. Earlier in February, 57 percent of Americans surveyed by the Pew Research Center said that “the large number of migrants seeking to enter the country leads to more crime.” For many, those ideas became more salient last week, when Jose Antonio Ibarra, a Venezuelan man who immigrated to the U.S. illegally, was charged with the murder of Georgia college student Laken Riley.

Riley’s murder, along with incidents such as migrants drinking alcohol and consuming drugs in public and getting into fights in New York City, have spurred increased coverage of a “migrant crime” wave. “Over the past month, Fox […]

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Bartiromo blasts Biden administration for encouraging Americans to register to vote


If you have ever spent half an hour watching and listening to Fox propaganda spokesperson, Maria Bartiromo,  you learn quickly that she has no ethics, is a compulsive liar, and MAGAt ideologue. What makes her interesting to me is that she says out loud what Trump’s MAGAt base believes and says amongst themselves. They don’t want America to be a democracy.


Maria Bartiromo attends a speech by President Donald Trump at the Economic Club Of New York in the Grand Ballroom of the Midtown Hilton Hotel on November 12, 2019 in New York City. Credit: Steven Ferdman / WireImage

Fox News Business anchor Maria Bartiromo is attacking the Biden administration’s efforts to encourage American citizens to register to vote. In interviews with several Republicans on Friday she claimed the federal government outreach only helps elect Democrats.

“Okay, so what are you all doing about it on the Republican side?” Bartiromo asked House Republican Majority Leader Steve Scalise Friday morning. “As the government, Biden’s government, Biden’s administration seems to be using a whole on government approach to get people to vote Democrat?”

Sticking to GOP talking points, Scalise suggested it is “the weaponization of government.”

Bartiromo had cited an article on the right-wing website The Federalist, “9 Ways The Feds Are Using ‘Bidenbucks’ To Rig The 2024 Election,” that details ways the administration is helping or encouraging Americans to register to vote. There is no […]

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