Rachel Maddow Credit: MSNBC

If anyone ever doubted the degree to which the Trump voter is misinformed, this clip from last night’s Rachel Maddow’s program is eye-opening. It is no longer funny. It presents a danger wherein Trump can manipulate his base to create chaos when he needs a distraction.

Rachel Maddow exposes the Trump voter

Rachel Maddow dissected a PPP poll exclusively pre-released to MSNBC showing the Trump voter as severely detached from reality. Rachel started the segment by pointing out that President Obama’s overall approval rating is at 50%. However, while his favorability with Republicans is 9%, it is only 5% of Trump voters.

Rachel started the segment by pointing out that President Obama’s overall approval rating is at 50%. However, while his favorability with Republicans is 9%, it is only 5% of Trump voters.


Rachel then pivoted to issue after issue where a large percentage of Trump voters were severely misinformed. They live in […]

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